Made in Bondi: episode five sees Lawson and Miles battle for Bella’s heart, Molly loses temper at Charlie

Welcome to Sydney’s inner circle where two party boys are fighting over Bella, Pippa is left heartbroken after an adorable date and Molly loses her temper.


We know London boy Miles is here for a short time but a good time and he is pulling out all the stops to impress Bella which of course is pissing off Lawson. Episode five begins with a day at the races where Bella and Miles arrive in a helicopter, despite only living five minutes down the road. But as Tristan tells him, Miles is pulling out all the stops for Bella as she is attractive and both are having fun.

Tristan is unsure where he sits with Isabella as she seems to have her walls up and Miles prys for details about his feelings for Molly after spotting the two vibing at drinks. So as the cheeky devil he is, Miles organises a double date for the four of them. At the Ester distillery, Pippa catches Molly up on how things are going with Charlie.

“He’s like my best friend already, my family love him,” she smiles. “I haven’t felt like this before.” Pippa wants to make things official between them and thinking about it makes her feel giddy.

Little does she know though that Charlie is not sure if he’s ready for a girlfriend, even though he sees a future with Pippa. Elsewhere, Lawson meets with Jai where he rants about being “angry and frustrated” with Bella going on dates with Miles without his knowledge. Lawson said he and Bella agreed to be open and honest with eachother now that they are both back in each other lives.

Jai said she did tell him that if he didn’t lay all his cards on the table, he would lose her. “If Miles wants to make it a competition, I know I’ll win,” Lawson said. Apparently, at the end of the day, he is going to marry her and he won’t let Miles get in the way of that.

Let the battle for Bella’s heat begin! After sharing a kiss with Miles at the races, Bella tells her friends there is chemistry there and is pretty chuffed to find out she can have a spark with someone other than Lawson. Bella wants to tell Lawson about the date with Miles before someone else does but thinks he doesn’t have the right to be angry because they are not together. Lawson meets with Bella where she spills the goss, much to Lawson’s hate.

He confesses his love for Bella again and says he doesn’t want a “28-year-old f...

boy to get another notch in his belt”. Bella leaves the meeting feeling confused as Lawson doesn’t want to be with her but still wants her in his life. Back to Tristan and Isabella, the pair have a successful date at Clovelly Beach where they agree to keep hanging out and see what happens.

This surely offers some clarity for Tristan but Molly is still his type and the two girls are very different from each other. So who will he pick? Tristan and Molly meet again at a party on The Island in Sydney Harbour where they both admit to liking each other. Molly says that if things are going well with Isabella she won’t get in the way.

However, the pair are caught kissing later on. Meanwhile, Pippa and Charlie are getting their flirt on at a pasta-making class. Sitting down to eat their Italian creation, Charlie launches into a full chat about how he is not ready for a relationship yet and feels tempted to see other girls while on nights out with his single friends.

Pippa is distraught and leaves heartbroken. Drama is brought to a head at a function organised by Billy when Lawson and Miles cross paths for the first time. Lawson attempts to insult Miles by labelling him a “handsome worm” and Miles wants Lawson to realise that Bella is having fun moving away from her ex.

“You’re not getting in the way of me getting Bella back, Miles you can get f...

ed,” Lawson said in an outburst. Lawson is not the only hot headed one throughout the evening with Molly sticking up for her best friend Pippa and having it out with Charlie. Molly is furious at how he left her heartbroken after instigating the blossoming relationship.

She said he is “punching as it is” and “led her on”. As Charlie tries to defend himself, he can’t get a word in as Molly yells “stop talking” before throwing her sparkling wine at him. Woah, lets take a minute to cool down.

Made in Bondi returns to Channel 7 and 7plus next Tuesday at 10pm..