Lunch with... Sistema founder Brendan Lindsay, the plastic-fantastic boss and rich-lister now helping other people click

'I don’t care if it’s Martha Stewart or the bloody Pope. I’m not taking [Made in NZ] off.'


This year the Herald’s award-winning newsroom produced a range of first-class journalism, including exploring the NCEA and UE results of every college around NZ , the collapse of the Du Val property empire, revealing claims a former funeral director at Tipene Funerals was swindling grieving clients and href="

nz/nz/head-hunters-assets-case-inside-the-10-year-police-investigation-to-bring-down-wayne-doyle-and-the-head-hunters-motorcycle-gang/CW2OZQ2CEBAWJOYPG7VBJB5EZE/"> charting the 10-year police probe that brought down Wayne Doyle and the Head Hunters . The following article was one of the best-read Premium articles in 2024. The story originally ran in September.

The man who created Sistema from his garage and later sold it for $660 million opens up on his extraordinary back story, the sudden surge of wealth, how Kiwis reacted, political donations and his new ventures. Shayne Currie reports. Brendan Lindsay sits at a table in his Viaduct office with, I suspect, the “real” boss near his feet – Louis, an adorable Maltese shih tzu – and recounts a story about playing hardball with US lifestyle TV magnate Martha Stewart’s team.
