Llandudno beauty salon praised for ‘friendly and caring’ service by inspectorate

The beauty salon and laser hair removal service provider offers a wide range of beauty treatments and cosmetic procedures.


A BEAUTY salon in Llandudno has been praised for the “fabulous” service it provides its customers, following a health inspectorate visit. LAO Beauty, at 51 Madoc Street, was visited by Health Inspectorate Wales on May 20, with a report on the business published on August 20. The beauty salon and laser hair removal service provider offers a wide range of beauty treatments and cosmetic procedures.

During the inspection, patients or their carers were asked to complete a questionnaire to tell the inspectorate about their experience of using the service. LAO Beauty was praised for the experience it provided its customers, information on procedures and treatment, and the quality the service provided. Some customers were asked to provide feedback, with all rating the salon as good or very good.

Some of the comments included: “Fabulous setting, super professional and made me feel really at ease and comfortable”; “Fantastic facilities and staff offering a great service”; and “Very friendly and caring environment”. A summary of the report’s findings stated: “We found that LAO Beauty was committed to providing a positive experience for patients in a pleasant environment with friendly and professional laser operator. All patients who completed a HIW questionnaire rated the service provided by the clinic as very good or good.

There were systems and processes in place to ensure patients were being treated with dignity and professionalism. “We found that LAO Beauty was meeting the relevant regulations associated with the health, safety and welfare of staff and patients. “The clinic was very well maintained and well equipped to provide the services and treatments they are registered to deliver.

All areas were very clean and free from any visible hazards. “There were good arrangements in place to ensure that the laser machine was used appropriately and safely. “The registered manager was very knowledgeable, professional and demonstrated their understanding of where and how to access advice and guidance.

“We found evidence that patients were provided with safe and effective care. “The day to day management of the clinic was the responsibility of the registered manager, who we found to be very committed to providing high quality patient care. “All patients who completed a questionnaire confirmed that staff treated them with dignity and respect when visiting the clinic.

” Two improvements were recommended:.