Liz Cheney Embarrasses Herself Saying Kamala's DNC Speech Was Reagan-esque, Gets Love From Jen Rubin


We get it, Liz. You love Kamala. Whatever conservative principles you once claimed -- the principles that led you to label Kamala Harris a radical liberal in 2020 -- are gone.

Broken by your hatred of Donald Trump. But you really don't have to embarrass yourself this way. Former GOP Rep.

Liz Cheney says Vice Pres. Harris’ speech at the DNC “is a speech that Ronald Reagan could have given.” “It’s very much an embrace and an understanding of the exceptional nature of this great nation, a love of America.

" pic.twitter.

com/MnZhDgQO1x Good gravy. This is pathetic. Kamala Harris is the polar opposite of Ronald Reagan.

Liz Cheney keeps getting richer and fatter as America gets weaker and poorer. - J.D.

Vance J.D. Vance absolutely wrecked Cheney the other day .

“Never viewed this as a policy election” is a tell that none of this is about substance - just grasping for power. Speeches are just words. Harris’s actions show that she’s clearly not a moderate.

It's really pathetic. Karl never mentions the Jan 6 Stalinist show trial & Liz's deception, destruction of evidence, nor how our "principled conservative" can now support a Democrat Socialist bordering on communist. But Liz has a PAC, makes lots of $$ in the Hate Trump Business And that's what this is all about.

The grift. She’s either looking for a cabinet position with Kamala or has gone insane. Embrace the healing power of 'and', our friend.

She's got fans, though. Liz Cheney gets it. Trump does not need Congress to impose tariffs of 100-200% that would destroy global trade and possibly lead to a deep recession such as what happened in the 1930s.

This is not conservatism nor is it Republican. It's isolationism. https://t.

co/AO6CPfUkLw Yeah, no. Kamala will institute price controls and massive tax increases. That will crash the economy.

BRAVA. And Republicans pretend it wasn't. And they demand more detail.

MORE DETAIL? She's not a depraved fascist. End. https://t.

co/Zrp4FNYt5I Shut up, Jen. Kamala is on record supporting gun confiscation, using the DOJ to silence political dissent, and in favor of communistic price controls. Trump isn't the fascist here.
