Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council is set to present its long-awaited LDBTQIA+ policy next month

After a year-long wait, Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council is to put a new LGBTQIA+ policy before councillors in October.


Elected members signed off on a proposal by Castlereagh South Sinn Fein councillor Daniel Bassett to support the LGBTQIA+ community including participation in local Pride events. Despite opposition from the DUP and two UUP councillors, the motion was carried and ratified by a majority vote in September 2023. Advertisement Advertisement Did you know with an ad-lite subscription to NorthernIrelandWorld, you get 70% fewer ads while viewing the news that matters to you.

Castlereagh South Alliance councillor Jamie Harpur said: “Last year a motion was passed on the council supporting LGBTQIA+ rights. “I would like to know if there is any update on the policy and recommendations being formed? “Also is there any timeframe for when the policy will proceed?” The delay in the LGBTQIA+ policy comes amid the council’s first openly gay mayor, Alliance Downshire East councillor Kurtis Dickson, taking office for the 2024-2025 year. Advertisement Advertisement DUP concerns on any future policy were previously voiced in chambers over the potential for mandatory training of staff and councillors, attending local Pride events, and the creation of safe spaces.

Ulster Unionist councillor Alan Martin and Ross McLernon at the time also expressed concerns around Christian faith discrimination, alluding to the European Court of Human Rights and freedom of religion to consciously object to supporting Pride. A council officer responded during a recent meeting of the council’s corporate committee, saying: “A report on the policy is due to be before the council in October. “This will include matters of equality in general as well as the motion passed.

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