LGBT Activist Says Flying the POW/MIA Flag Is a ‘Political Stunt’


Notice how quick the LGBTQ activist is to say that of course, she supports the flying of POW/MIA flag ...

it's just her research shows there are only 82,000 people who have been registered as prisoners of war or missing in action — "which is atrocious and horrible" — while there are 20 million minimum LGBTQ members. As long as the mayor has taken an interest in other flags besides the U.S.

flag, shouldn't he also consider flying the Pride flag in front of city hall? She's not equating POWs with gays ...

well, actually, she is. Most of America is pretty sick of seeing the Pride flag everywhere, especially painted into crosswalks, where you can be arrested for leaving a tire mark. LGBTQ activist criticizes mayor of Newcastle, WA saying his decision to fly the POW/MIA flag is a "political stunt" while she advocates for the Pride flag to be flown.

Mayor Clark then SLAMS the activist for disparaging service members. Democrats support transing toddlers over..

. pic.twitter.

com/u2Cmk1btjp ...

transing toddlers over honoring brave Americans who fought for our country. Maybe there's a difference between honoring the military and advertising your sexual orientation to the world. Democrats seem to be on the wrong side of every issue.

What I get out of this is that I am *STUNNED* Newcastle has a rational mayor. I looked it up and he served 10 years in the US Navy. I'm incredulous.

This woman is advertising for herself having a restraining order placed against her so she’s not allowed around children. "If we start raising flags, then we've got to raise everybody's." No.

No we don't. I believe they have bigger problems to adress One of those flags stands for people focused on their genitals and who they're sexually attracted to. The other flag stands for people who served in the US military.

This should be an easy one. Likening Veterans to LGBTQ = cult. The POW / MIA flag is a flag of PRIDE! I have pride in my military, the men and women who protect us and extreme pride for those that made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

I hope Democrats continue to take the wrong side of these 80/20 issues and never win another election again. They are not serious people, ignore them. A large portion of what's wrong with America today can be attributed to liberal white women.

Amen to that. My great uncle went missing in Korea during the war and was never found. His family never knew what happened to him.

His mother wept about this years later on her death bed. Fuck this bitch and fly that POW MIA flag forever. imagine being that wrong on everything.

Their lives must suck right now. Fly the Pride flag at your own home so that people driving by know your sexual orientation before knowing anything else about you. "Hi, I'm gay.

" ***.