LETTERS: We have a mess on our hands; there was no 'trouncing'

We have a mess on our hands


I will be boycotting all events at the new Ford amphitheater. It never should have been approved in the first place, yet City Council pushed it through despite hundreds of nearby neighbors rightfully concerned about the noise level. Sure enough, their worries were confirmed during the first few concerts, where very few neighbors could have a quiet evening at home due to unacceptable noise levels.

Now once again these disgruntled neighbors are flooding City Hall and lawsuits are in our future. Sadly, only one single councilor actually listened to his constituents and voted NO on the project. The rest just rammed it through, ignoring legitimate concerns, and now we have a mess on our hands.

I really feel for these neighbors unable to sleep, and surely their property values will drop because nobody will want to live anywhere near this venue. Good job city council! I will not be attending a single event — boycott! Nicole Rosa Colorado Springs I’m disappointed in the Gazette Editorial board for their stance on the recent debate. It seems that the Gazette has now gone down the same liberal path that many other publications have gone.

There was no “trouncing” by Kamala Harris in the debate. She was assisted all night long by 2 liberal moderators, who not once fact checked her while consistently fact checking Donald Trump. Let ‘s start with Harris’s claim of “As of today, there is not one member of the United States military who is in active duty in a combat zone in any war zone around the world, the first time this century.

” Our troops in Middle East are absolutely in a combat zone, under attack from Iran, which the Biden-Harris administration has allowed to grow more aggressive in its use of proxies. In January this year, three US soldiers in Jordan were killed by a drone attack from an Iran-aligned group, and dozens of others have been wounded in similar strikes. Harris claims “Nowhere in America is a woman carrying a pregnancy to term and asking for an abortion.

That is not happening.” As the Daily Signal points out, Minnesota had a 2015 law that required doctors to report whether abortions resulted in the live birth of a baby. In 2021, it happened at least five times, but no measures were taken to keep them alive.

In 2023, Gov. Tim Walz stripped out that reporting requirement as part of an abortion law that has no limitations on how late in a pregnancy it may happen. As the Daily Signal points out, Minnesota had a 2015 law that required doctors to report whether abortions resulted in the live birth of a baby.

So many more to show but no more room to type. Michael Ortiz Colorado Springs The “opportunity economy” that Kamala Harris is pushing is a misnomer, similar to Obama’s health care being labeled the “affordable care act” which in fact raised the cost of healthcare to all. In what I heard during the debate, her opportunity economy is centered around making more money available to the demand side of our free market economy through personal tax incentives and outright handouts.

And it seems to want to negatively impact the supply side through price controls. This sounds like she is actively trying to imbalance the supply and demand of our free market economy. I wonder who benefits most from that? From a historical perspective, the Carter administration was plagued with gas shortages that led to rationing.

End result was less supply and more demand resulting in higher gas prices that ultimately increased the pricing of all goods and services. Interest rates increased significantly to combat low supply induced inflation. Reagan took the supply side approach by removing barriers that allowed suppliers to produce more resulting in reducing inflation and lowering interest rates.

It seems to me that the Biden/Harris administration has centered on rules, regulations, and legislation that reduces supply by dictating pricing, and increasing demand by flooding the economy with cash. The result as we have seen is runaway inflation and higher interest rates to try and combat it. The resulting sluggish economy negatively affects all Americans, except the rich that can afford to pay more.

On the other hand, the right has always promoted the supply side of our economy. Ronald Reagan’s supply side economic policies resulted in lower prices and a booming economy. Hate the man if you will, but Donald Trump offers a supply side economy that aligns more with Reagan’s economic policies, which were vilified by the left at the time as catering to the rich, but the proof was in the pudding.

The debate stayed away from the fact that increasing supply is good at decreasing inflation, and flooding the economy with cash increases inflation. They know this and instead focus on the man and his narcissistic foibles, and they are desperately trying to convince voters to do the same. I would have liked to hear more about the opportunity economy during the debate but neither the moderators or Harris were interested in giving Trump a chance to pick it apart with historical facts of the Carter then Reagan administrations.

Not pressing Harris for details was a disservice to all Americans. Harris’s lack of providing insight and details of her “opportunity economy” seems to me similar to Nancy Pelosi stating they had to pass the ACA in order to know what was in it. Dan Spohn Monument I agree completely with Betsy Hovermale, Colorado is a voting model--- for a liberal financial group to change a red state to blue.

All they need is a mail in voting process where they can harvest ballots, an electronic machine to control the numbers and a crooked Secretary of State to oversee the process. If you want to see how Colorado does it, watch Lauren Boebert’s next election. Last time, they didn’t manufacture enough mail in ballots to cover the spread.

Her turnout was more than expected. The Dems won’t make that mistake again! Robert Bee Colorado Springs.