The rules of law are being willfully disregarded Today I received an email from Defense for Children International-Palestine . Israeli forces fatally shot 2-year-old Laila Mohammad Ayman Khatib in a village south of Jenin in the occupied West Bank. She was having dinner with her family.
Israeli snipers in a house across the street reportedly fired 4 bullets through their living room window. One bullet struck Laila in the back of the head. Her grandfather rushed her to the hospital, but she died.
Her picture made me think of my own daughters at that age, and of my grand-daughters at that age. What does it take to make us all see that the billions of dollars given to Israel for “defense” are being used to execute and massacre any and all Palestinians? Every country has a right to defend itself, but this is not defense. This is genocide.
Military aid given to foreign security forces is illegal when used to violate human rights with impunity, under the Leahy Laws. I have written to my congressional representatives, good people, for years, with no change in their stance toward Israel’s aggression. I’m sorry, but they no longer represent me, and I’m done keeping them in office.
Check out the group Taxpayers Against Genocide, who have initiated a class action suit against their congressional representatives in California. Our American values of respect for human rights, for the dignity of every person, and the rules of law are being willfully disregarded. Jane Thomas, Boulder Council listen to the people they were elected to represent As the upcoming vote on the Quail Rd project approaches, we urge the Longmont City Council to consider the growing concerns about the excessive development being approved across Longmont.
Many residents feel that the City Council is disregarding neighborhood voices while prioritizing financial incentives from the State. The impact of increased traffic in residential areas poses a serious safety risk, especially to children. Are we on a path to creating overcrowded conditions that heighten the risk of catastrophic events, such as the devastating Marshall Fire or the current crisis in Los Angeles? A recent warning published by The Denver Gazette (1/26/25) highlighted the wildfire dangers facing Denver — shouldn’t Longmont be taking similar precautions? People choose to live in Longmont for its sense of community, open spaces and livability, not to find themselves in a dense urban landscape reminiscent of Manhattan.
Should residents expect to step outside their homes only to be surrounded by endless apartment buildings and the constant noise of traffic? Are we sacrificing the tranquility and character of our neighborhoods in pursuit of aggressive housing expansion? As the City Council seeks State funding tied to new construction, we urge councilmembers to remember that their responsibility is to serve the residents of Longmont not to advance policies that disregard our quality of life for financial incentives. The growing frustration and distrust among voters across the city should not be ignored. We ask that the council listen to the people they were elected to represent.
Michelle Claire Romeo, Longmont.
Letters to the editor: The rules of law are being willfully disregarded; council listen to the people
What does it take to make us all see that the billions of dollars given to Israel for "defense" are being used to execute and massacre any and all Palestinians? Every country has a right to defend itself, but this is not defense. This is genocide. Military aid given to foreign security forces is illegal when used to violate human rights with impunity, under the Leahy Laws. I have written to my congressional representatives, good people, for years, with no change in their stance toward Israel's aggression. I'm sorry, but they no longer represent me, and I'm done keeping them in office.