Letters to the Editor: Slotkin will fight the opioid crisis

Sadly, we’ve endured 27,000 opioid deaths here since the year 2000, the equivalent of wiping a mid-size Michigan city off the map. Beyond the lives lost, the tragedy reverberates for years with everyone who loved those who died.


Sadly, we’ve endured 27,000 opioid deaths here since the year 2000, the equivalent of wiping a mid-size Michigan city off the map. Beyond the lives lost, the tragedy reverberates for years with everyone who loved those who died. For years, Congress played a big part in the epidemic by ignoring data showing opioids were addictive and promoting easy access to pain meds.

Who led the charge? None other than Mike Rogers, current candidate for U.S. Senate.

For a decade, Rogers sponsored and relentlessly pushed bills advocating for increased prescription of opioids, all while cozying up to groups funded by Big Pharma. In fact, Rogers admits they consider him “a champion” for their cause. His words, not mine.

He received hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations from the same greedy drug companies that are now paying billions in settlements. When asked about his pro-opioid bills in Congress, Rogers continually sidesteps questions and tries to shift the blame to doctors, refusing any accountability. Meanwhile, we have another candidate for Senate who is not in the pocket of drug companies.

Quite the opposite. As a congresswoman, Elissa Slotkin has taken on Big Pharma, helping pass bills that allow Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices, including lower insulin costs for seniors. We can’t afford to have Rogers, who hangs out on yachts and kowtows to lobbyists, as a Senator.

Elissa Slotkin will roll up her sleeves and fight for everyday Michiganders in the Senate, just like she did in the House. Jeanne Ruzzin, Oak Park.