Letters to the Editor, Sept. 9, 2024


LET IT GO TO VOICEMAIL Re “Scam calls keep coming” (Letters to the Editor, Sept. 4): To the letter writer and all other Toronto Sun readers who are bothered by the increasing number of scam calls that they receive, the solution is very simple: Never answer any call whose number you do not recognize or from which you did not request initial contact, such as banks, governments (CRA), or businesses. Instead, let the call go to voicemail.

When you answer such a call, you are telling the computer that dialed it that your phone number is active, and by talking to them, you run the risk of having your voice recorded and used later against you or someone whom you care about in a future AI-generated voice scam call. Marvin Sandomirsky Oshawa (This is a reasonable approach) BACK TO WORK Pierre Poilievre thinks the civil service is too large. Most Canadian taxpayers would agree.

There is a simple fix to this problem. Day one when he is prime minister he could simply order all workers back to their offices. If they choose not to comply, he could gleefully accept their resignations.

They had to work in their office pre-pandemic, there is no reason why they are not back in their offices today. Gordon Skinner Uxbridge (It is quite extraordinary to see the resistance they are putting up from returning to three days a week in the office) FAN FAWNING To all those fans who fawn over the stars at TIFF, give yourself a good shake! All you are doing is supporting woke millionaires who heavily fund the democrats in the U.S.

I guess you enjoy having your freedoms taken away by Kamala Harris and her gang of putrid leftists. Movie, film and music stars think they are smarter than everyone else. Perhaps if you had real jobs, then you would mind your money and not give it to people who think they deserve yours for no other reason than equity! Rick Dwornikiewicz Delhi, Ont.

(We will always be attracted to star power, and most shouldn’t really care about what a celebrity thinks of geopolitical issues).