Letters to the Editor, Sept. 22, 2024


WORST OF THE BAD OPTIONS Prime Minister Trudeau’s arrogance is at the same level as his father: “You don’t understand, I will tell you what you need, don’t argue with me, you peons.” Mr. Singh is the maid in waiting and will never be given an invitation to the ball.

Cinderella midnight is approaching. Mr. Poilievre, in my opinion, is the Canadian version of Donald Trump.

Be afraid, Canada, it’s going to get ugly. Bob Halliday Sooke, B.C.

(The NDP’s lengthy support for the Liberals have hurt them. More and more Canadians seem to be looking at the Conservatives to form the next government. Trying to Pierre Poilievre “scary” by comparing him to former President Trump isn’t going to stick) BYE JUSTIN We learned in the LaSalle-Emard-Verdun byelection that even Trudeau’s hometown doesn’t want anything to do with him.

When Montreal and Quebec turn their backs on you, what more evidence do you need that “everyone” in Canada wants Trudeau gone and he should immediately resign. With Fortress Toronto, Fortress Montreal falling and Winnipeg saying “Me too, we also don’t want the Liberals,” it looks like it is three strikes and you’re out for the Liberal Party of Canada. Goodbye forever, Justin Trudeau, every Canadian will start smiling again when you are finally gone and we don’t have to see your smug face ever again! Chris Robertson Stony Plain, Alta.

(The next federal election cannot come soon enough so Canadians can show their displeasure with the Liberals on a national scale) CLEAR DETAILS FROM POILIEVRE Watching our socialist PM’s vigorous parliamentary debate on the eve of losing yet two more byelections revealed just how obstinate Justin Trudeau has become! While the preeminent mindset of the electorate may be that NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh is obsessed with supporting the Liberals to ensure his full MP pension is secured prior to the next election, he will be salivating about the prospect of him as the leader of the Official Opposition. Singh, devoid of Jack Layton’s charisma, and Bloc leader Yves-Francois, emboldened by the embarrassing defeat of another touted Liberal stronghold, may just seize the opportunity for an election while interest rates are still high. As for Poilievre, who supports a woman’s right to choose and same-sex marriage, it is evident that Trudeau is endeavouring to align him with Donald Trump.

Poilievre should be candid and clear on sacrifices in his plan on how he will “axe the tax” without ballooning the deficit. Regardless, it appears Canadians have had it with the status quo. David C.

Searle. Toronto (Trudeau genuinely believes he is the only one to stop Poilievre. He will likely be unsuccessful in that attempt).