Letters to the Editor, Aug. 31, 2024


DEFUND THE CBC Re “Even the CBC’s allies are outraged over wasteful bonuses” (Kris Sims, Aug. 25): A very informative column with some very creative concepts on how those wasted funds could be better spent to assist and support Canadian families. We, the Canadian taxpayer, are giving the CBC $1.

4 billion in funding this year alone, and 97.9% of TV-viewing Canadians choose not to watch CBC’s prime-time English language news program. It is interesting to note that in the global broadcasting industry, a TV show with a low audience viewing rating of only 66% is heading for cancellation, and the CBC with 97.

9% non-viewer rating is still being funded. Maybe the Canadian taxpayer should be given that right to determine where their hard-earned tax dollars go. If given the vote, I’m sure that taxpaying Canadians would vote to defund the CBC, just like in a year from now Canadians will be voting to remove the Liberal Party and its sunny ways leader.

No bonuses here, folks. Michael McNutt Mississauga (Canadians will have a chance in a way to vote to defund the CBC – Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre has made this part of his stump speech) LIBS’ FAKE OUTRAGE What a joke with Justin Trudeau and Marc Miller’s fake outrage over the ISIS terror plot. Here is how it’s going to go: They’ll claim privacy concerns so we’ll never get to the bottom of it, the defence lawyer will get the accused off on a technicality, and for their hardship Trudeau will cut him a cheque for $10 million.

On top of that, all the his family will get citizenship. Mike Swain (They aren’t really angry and no one is buying any of their excuses) IMMIGRATION REFORM The Liberal/NDP government is importing into Canada a Montreal’s worth of population of new people every year, mostly low-skilled migrants. It is laughable to suggest we are capable of building and staffing a new city the size of Montreal every year, not only with housing, but also employment, hospitals, schools, utilities, services, police.

This needs to stop, now. Damian Kanarek Whitby (They haven’t planned for any of this and we can see the consequences of that. None of this is sustainable).