Letters to the Editor | Saturday, October 19, 2024

Ovalau roads The recent spell of rainfall has turned the roads on Ovalau to something similar to the surface of planet Mars. Even the southern section of the main street of OUR nations historical & World Heritage Levuka town, is riddled with lovo sized potholes. Can our globetrotting and allowance pocketing government ministers ensure that [...]The post Letters to the Editor | Saturday, October 19, 2024 appeared first on The Fiji Times.


Ovalau roads The recent spell of rainfall has turned the roads on Ovalau to something similar to the surface of planet Mars. Even the southern section of the main street of OUR nations historical & World Heritage Levuka town, is riddled with lovo sized potholes. Can our globetrotting and allowance pocketing government ministers ensure that such is addressed urgently? Subsequently, the new Levuka market, which was completed approximately 10 months ago, remains yet to be opened.

Are we awaiting the arrival of King Charles to officially open same? Alas, it’s 10 month’s now and the Levuka Hospital is still without a mortuary. And may I add on, renovations to the Levuka Community Center was completed some months ago and similar to the market, still awaiting a grand opening. Accordingly, the relevant authorities doesn’t seem to have a clue as to how to get rid of the stray dogs issue, which not only pilfers garbage from the bins and spread it all over town but the ghastly sight of stinking dog poo which is contributing to the local fly population.

There’s more but due to space limitation, I’ll leave it till my next LTE. Too many fancy speeches and as we say in the local lingo, “sivia ga na vamacala”. ANTHONY SAHAI Levuka, Ovalau Expired goods It has now become common to hear the consumer protection agencies reporting the increasing instances where some supermarkets or shops around the country are selling contaminated food or those that have expired.

This is deplorable and those responsible must be taken to task. It is, however, unacceptable that none of these supermarkets or shops are named when these reports come out in the news. If anything, the names of these offenders must be publicised soonest to warn consumers.

This would also force merchants to take greater care in checking their goods. Just saying. Emosi Balei Suva Amazing institution Just last week, it was reported that USP climbed up 200 places in the 2025 Times Higher Education World University Rankings.

Professor Pal Ahluwalia credited the achievement to the hard work and determination of all the staff. By the end of this, the Association of the University of the South Pacific and the University of the South Pacific Staff Union have gone on strike attributed to poor leadership at the University. USP is truly an amazing institution with some very amazing people.

Mohammed Imraz Janif Natabua, Lautoka Resolve water problems! It’s a pity that water, being a basic need, is unavailable in some communities and people are struggling to meet ends. I fully understand their pain and frustration as hundreds of families living in Khalsa Rd, Suva, are calling on the Coalition Government to resolve the water problems they have been experiencing for about two years now. It’s a pity that the residents claim that while the water cut problem in their area has worsened this year, no attempts have been made to resolve it.

I thank The Fiji Times for being the voice of these Fijians and for highlighting their plight. Life without water is difficult especially in urban areas, especially the use of washroom facilities and the need to wash utensils and clothes and prepare food. Without water, we are also risking the health of children and adults alike.

It’s sad to read that children are missing school because of the water problem. I plead with the Water Authority of Fiji and Government of the day to put an end to the water crisis. Let the people of Khalsa Rd rejoice with normal water supply! Rajnesh Ishwar Lingam Nadawa, Nasinu PAP split drama Prime Minister Rabuka talking about a split in his party was interesting (FT 17.

10.24). The reaction from his party members today (FT 18.

10.24) brought to memory a story from the Bible. At the Last Super Jesus told his disciples that one of them would betray him.

They all lined up asking ” is it me Lord?”, including the one and only Judas Iscariot, yes him. The rest is history. Korina Waibutan Knolly St, Suva New politica paths According to the confirmation by the honourable Prime Minister, Sitiveni Rabuka, members of his People’s Alliance Party (PAP) are free to establish a new party to contest the 2026 General Elections.

(FT 17/10) Change is both essential and unavoidable. It is worth noting that he already has replacements in place who will strengthen his existing party and position him to secure the role of Prime Minister once again. The only distinction in 2026 will be that his party will achieve a clear majority, without the need for coalition partners.

This, no doubt, will be a bitter pill for many to swallow. Ciqoma, jiloma! DINESH KUMAR Ba Sound of silence There is thunderous sound in silence This thunderous sound echoes resilience We are silent but the mind rumbles Silence subdued and the mind tumbles Inner rumblings of the mind are full of sound Outer facade revelling in confound Everyone is destined to be eternally silent one day The sound of eternally silent would burst some day Silence brings forth peace and tranquillity It echoes the sound of serenity and equanimity The seed sown in the soil Silently grows into a tree and bears fruits with toil Fear has the potential to grip one to silence Driving one to ignite sound in grievance God even hears our silent prayers The sound in the prayer God cares Silence eliminates clutter and confusion to connect with the soul Such is the power of silence that strives to achieve the goal Silence like a cancer grows and sprouts Slowly, but surely it corrodes and shrouds Emotions in life can be expressed with silent actions That make sound in silence with passions Silence helps us to look within It’s an elixir balancing swinging. BHAGWANJI BHINDI Laucala Beach Estate, Nasinu Why are clean hands important? The world is a play in which health takes centre stage, Our hands make our health stories With every touch, a story unfolds, of safety and sickness, heal and zeal.

Health travels from playgrounds to kitchens, School hall to shopping mall Tiny invaders ready at every corner. Wait, there’s power at hand, soap and water, together they stand. Handwashing, a simple act in health protecting scene They shield in the dance of disease, let’s take our stand, For in every hand scrub, there’s a brighter tomorrow.

Anabia Mumtaz Central Primary School, Lautoka Taxi ride To the taxi driver who took me from Samabula to the office yesterday morning (Friday): If you cannot handle the intensity of your question regarding the coalition government, it may be best not to engage further, as it could lead to confusion. Wishing you peace this weekend! Avenai Serutabua Nabukelevu Village, Serua Fireworks It’s interesting to read in The Fiji Times (LTE) the comments on fireworks as we look forward to celebrate Diwali. I feel fireworks have a place if we traditionally celebrate safely and peacefully with blessings in Fiji’s diverse society.

Safety remains paramount. Fire is a good servant but a bad master if it goes out of control. Happy and safe well blessed Diwali.

Tahir Ali Hamilton, New Zealand USP strike The USP staff supported the leadership on governance principles and after three years of experience, oppose him on the same principles. It has always been about the principles and will continue to be. The strike statement issued by the Unions to the media reaffirms this.

The student union sadly has lost its way. Elizabeth Reade Fong Hutson St, Suva Point Equal access I am concerned about unfair access to education in the community that belongs to low income families who are unable to meet quality education. Challenges like cost of school uniforms and supplies and being unable to bring lunch to school which impacts their academic performances and increases poverty.

I urge the Government and local organisations to provide essential supplies, ensure lunch programs for those in need and provide school uniforms. Anusha sen Nakaulevu Highway Sukuna Park If the famous Ratu Sukuna Park can cost a whooping $7m, and nothing to show for compared with its former state, I think Labasa Airport should cost $15m. Then we talking and comparing apples to apples.

$8m not enough mate! Shah Shareef Savusavu Serving people Tabuya: Our focus should be on serving people ( FT 18/10 ). It should be. I agree.

But once again my critical thinking acquired from my education at USP prompts me to ask was that the focus when a hefty pay rise and perks were approved with indecent haste by MPs which she had recommended in her capacity as chair of the emoluments committee? Rajend Naidu Sydney, Australia Sick sheets Is it true that some organisations in Fiji do not prefer sick sheets from certain doctors? Mohammed Imraz Janif Natabua, Lautoka Kava or man? Some preachers in our country today preach about the evil in kava. Can they show us text from the holy Bible to prove their point? Did they want to stress that evil was also in the forbidden fruit from the beginning? To my understanding, evil spirit can only enter into a spiritual being. Or can it also enter a scarecrow? Pita Soroaqali Rakiraki.