Letters September 17, 2024: 'Future candidates for mayor have some questions to answer.'


Candidates given food for thought My question for next year’s mayoral candidates: Since resource development and waste management (including carbon pollution) are provincial responsibilities, will each candidate pledge to hold Mayor Gondek’s ‘climate emergency’ in abeyance and release the $87 billion allocated to her pet ideological declaration back into city coffers to deal with our city’s infrastructure needs such as water, sewers and roads? Joan Friedrick (We bet at least one candidate will propose this.) If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em I’ve got an idea for all the people whining about unions and strikers earning pay raises: how about you go on strike too? Surely you have some leverage to negotiate with? It would be awfully foolish to lock yourself into a fixed income without any leverage to renegotiate your income when the inflation rate goes up in the future. William Hayes (Many people without unions to protect their income and rights would love such luxury.

) Thanks for remembering the fallen I recently learned my uncle Robert Middlemore’s name is inscribed on one of six marble slabs on your beautiful Calgary Soldier Memorial that lists from your Army Reserve Regiment Force over 3,000 soldiers who died serving Canada during WW1 WW2 and Afghanistan. This memorial is inscribed We Lived Felt Dawn Saw Sunset Glow. He was one of three brothers who immigrated to Canada, serving in France during WW1.

Thank you, Calgary, for remembering those soldiers who paid the ultimate sacrifice. Lest We Forget! Peter J. Middlemore.

Sr. (Agreed, the memorial doesn’t get enough praise.) Where’s the money going? Last month I used $1.

84 of natural gas. I paid $12.33 in carbon tax and with all the other fees I ended up with a $64.

10 bill. Perry Huber (Better get some great, constant delivery of gas to your home for that price.) Time to cut ties If the Bloc is going to try and get more concessions to prop up the Liberals knowing this will hurt the rest of Canada, it’s time we have a referendum to kick Quebec out of Canada.

If one province is always a detriment to the country intentionally, we don’t need them. ROBERT McDOWELL (As long as the question is clear, we’re with you.).