Letters: Sen. Casey, Rep. Cartwright support policies that cut pharmacies’ profits

Letters: Regulations impede the profit necessary for pharmacies to stay in business.


U.S. Sen.

Bob Casey takes credit for reducing some prescription costs and, as we know, he and U.S. Rep.

Matt Cartwright voted for terrible Biden policies that affect every aspect of our lives. As our population ages, there is a greater demand on our local pharmacies. As we see in the daily news reports, many pharmacies are now closing.

In my area, Rite Aid has closed and Walgreens is closing more of their stores. Seniors and others have enjoyed the advantages of a local pharmacy, where they have a real, live person to discuss their medications, along with one-stop shopping for prescriptions, over-the-counter medications and other items. Go to a local pharmacy; they are remarkably busy, but have trouble hiring staff.

They are busy, but regulations impede the profit necessary to stay in business. Large companies like CVS also own large insurance companies like Aetna; are we getting the best pricing? Joe Biden’s policies have exacerbated the closures because inflation and energy costs affect everyone, even essential businesses. Seniors and others deserve better from our government.

Donald Trump and JD Vance are better alternatives to the two Democrats now offered as presidential and vice presidential candidates, and Casey and Cartwright need to be replaced by people that really work for the American people. Robert Pohlman Middle Smithfield Township Donald Trump is amazing — but not in a good way. He reportedly disparages soldiers who are harmed or killed in battle as losers and suckers but then attends a photo-op at Arlington National Cemetery to praise soldiers who died in Afghanistan.

If he wanted to be truly honest, he should have borrowed his wife Melania’s “I really don’t care, do U?” jacket that she wore on a junket to the Southern border. The cemetery staff were correct in calling Trump’s visit a political stunt not worthy of the dignity of our national cemetery. James Villaume Allentown We hear a great deal about misinformation lately.

Let’s consider some irony here. It is ironic that the U.S.

Constitution specifically allows in Article 1, Section 6 that “for any Speech or Debate in either House, [members of Congress] shall not be questioned in any other Place.” The U.S.

Supreme Court extended this ability to lie to members of their staff under Gravel v United States. Our politicians need serious vetting and historically we relied on the media for that. Politicians are trained liars, after all.

It is for this very reason that we need, and require, a politically neutral media. I think our media today lacks a natural curiosity and too often operates through a political lens. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently opened up about the government’s pressuring his company to censor information during the pandemic and our last election, and call it misinformation.

I mention this because I am amazed the media has not been more insistent on more access to Kamala Harris. One interview. We need an aggressive media now more than ever.

All politicians lie. Gregory Labelle Bethlehem Township A previous letter writer asked us to imagine if Donald Trump were a school teacher. The Department of Education is required by law to only issue certificates to applicants who possess good moral character.

This requirement applies to all applicants. Applicants must request both a federal and Pennsylvania criminal history background check and a Pennsylvania child abuse history background check. Felony convictions should preclude Trump from being granted a certification (at least in Pennsylvania).

Again the question, why are we accepting this kind of person as a presidential candidate? Carole T. O’Connell Whitehall Township It’s weird how Donald Trump continues to make the United States the laughingstock of the world and get away with it. Trump has managed to turn Arlington cemetery, a national shrine honoring our nation’s war heroes, into a circus sideshow.

Trump simply does not know the meaning of honor and dignity. What kind of man would smile and pose with a thumbs-up where America’s war heroes are buried? What does a thumbs-up gesture while standing on hallowed ground even mean? I suppose to Trump, it means “look at me, it’s all about me, and as a bonus I get free publicity.” The debacle was easily preventable.

All Trump had to do was follow the rules and show some respect. Instead, Trump proves once again that rules and decorum are for others to follow and do not apply to him. Please consider this man’s continuing disrespect for veterans and America when you go to the polls in November.

Mike Neetz Upper Milford Township My children and grandchildren were involved in a vehicle fire Aug. 29 in Kutztown. Thank God they all escaped the vehicle with no injuries.

A very kind Allentown couple stopped by and offered them support. They said that they would not leave them, make sure they had whatever they needed and said they would take them wherever they needed to go — even back to New York. Truly wonderful people.

We do not know who they are to thank them directly and we sincerely hope that they see this letter expressing our heartfelt appreciation. Thank you. Mordechai and Malka Levine Parents of Nechama and Shloime & Family Spring Valley, N.

Y. It is sad that joy cannot be celebrated by all citizens. Fentanyl is killing thousands of us annually.

We all suffer from the higher prices charged for groceries and gasoline. Many of us retirees now are forced back into the workplace into entry-level wages in order to pay our mounting bills. We all are forced into sharing the billions spent by the government to support the millions of immigrants who can’t find employment.

The prospect of yet higher taxes next year will steal whatever meager means we now possess. Joy will not put food into our lean bellies or needed coins into our empty pockets. Harry Campbell Red Hill The Morning Call encourages community dialogue on important issues.

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