Letters: Keep safety as first priority when riding bicycles

Letters: One of the biking rules is never ride against the flow of traffic.


Your front-page positive article about the Youth Bike Summit reminded me of seeing those young bicycle riders at SteekStacks in Bethlehem early Sunday afternoon. Kudos to Community Bike Works for its good works. Seeing those young riders also reminded me of seeing three separate unsafe biking incidents in the last week while running routine errands in Bethlehem.

These bicycle riders were adults and clearly not following bicycle traffic rules as they were riding against traffic, not with it. One of the biking rules is never ride against the flow of traffic. One incident could have been a tragedy for the bicycle rider and me.

Waiting and ensuring there was no traffic coming from the left, I was starting the right turn into my lane when a fast-moving bicycle zipped toward me in that lane. I stopped in time. If not, and he hit my right front fender he could have been hurt very badly, even killed.

I would not have been physically hurt, but still devastated even though this accident would not have been my fault. This near tragedy is still on my mind. I am sure those young riders were taught bicycle road safety rules this weekend.

Please, adult bicycle riders, ride with the traffic flow, not against it. Linda F. Brown Bethlehem In The Morning Call’s June 19 edition is an article by reporter Christopher Dornblaser about Judge Anna-Kristie Marks’ order denying Patty Rorrer’s fifth appeal.

Patty Rorer was convicted, in 1998, for the 1994 murders of Joann Katrinak and her infant s.