Letter: Vote to build a better America

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are a winning team for the presidency. Both love our country and democracy and will move our country forward for all citizens. They will fund our immigration system with full staff to secure our border, reduce the backlog of immigration requests, and stop drug traffic with scanner systems. They will crack down on excess price gouging by large corporations — the primary cause of inflation problems.


Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are a winning team for the presidency. Both love our country and democracy and will move our country forward for all citizens. They will fund our immigration system with full staff to secure our border, reduce the backlog of immigration requests, and stop drug traffic with scanner systems.

They will crack down on excess price gouging by large corporations — the primary cause of inflation problems. Donald Trump and Republicans only have plans for more tax breaks for the wealthy, which has always been a failure for our country. This only gave the wealthy even more money, increased our national debt, and decreased the long-term health of Social Security.

ADVERTISEMENT Trump, who has been rated by historians as our worst president ever, would cause even worse damage to our country in a second term. Trump has stated that he will be a dictator on day one. And Republicans have shown they will not stand up against a radical Trump.

Republicans in Congress will let Trump destroy our democracy and our institutions, resulting in complete chaos for our country. We cannot afford another failed Trump and Republican agenda. Democrats will fund Social Security, secure our border, ensure large corporations and very wealthy pay their fair share of taxes, build up our infrastructure, fight climate problems that are plaguing our country, and continue strong alliances with other democracies in the world.

Vote for Kamala Harris and Democrats to continue building a better America for all of us. Andrew Larson , Rochester.