Letter: Urgent need for housing repairs in NRV

What would you do if you didn't have a safe place to live? This is the harsh reality faced by many residents in our community.


The New River Valley (NRV) Chapter of Virginia Organizing is working on a solution to improve housing security in the NRV. The NRV Virginia Organizing work began by engaging with renters, particularly those living in mobile homes. We heard abhorrent stories of compromised dwellings where wildlife could enter units, increasing the risk of zoonotic diseases.

We also encountered homes lacking safe access points and spoke with tenants who reported other dangers, such as open sewage and live electric wires. Tenants shared that landlords were not providing receipts for rental payments and entered housing without warning. Furthermore, tenants often feared pushing for repairs because of the risk of eviction or rent hikes, which still occur despite the lack of necessary repairs.

To confront these issues, the NRV Chapter met with the Christiansburg Town Council to establish a whole home repair program to grant money, for needed repairs, to low-income home owners and landlords with low-income renters. While landlord accountability is essential, we also recognize the need for an immediate solution to ensure that homes are safe for people to live in. Read more about the NRV Chapter of Virginia Organizing and our housing efforts on the Virginia Organizing Website: www.

virginia-organizing.org . What will you do? Join us in our effort to improve housing security in the NRV.

Join the NRV Chapter of Virginia Organizing and help us make a difference. Megan Shepherd, Christiansburg.