Letter: Trump not interested in democracy

I'm amazed at the number of Americans who presumably like our democracy and our Constitution but are nonetheless breezily planning to vote for Donald Trump.


I'm amazed at the number of Americans who presumably like our democracy and our Constitution but are nonetheless breezily planning to vote for Donald Trump. Are they listening to him? It's true the former president has spewed forth a ton of lies, but there are some of his words that we must take very, very seriously. He has said that he would like to have dictatorial powers on his first day in office.

Bad enough, but he seems to expect that to last much longer. He has told his followers that they won't have to vote again after this November, suggesting that he expects his family will become hereditary rulers from then on. For further evidence, look at his closest associates among foreign leaders.

He has shown disregard for our traditional democratic allies: Britain, France and Germany. Instead, he has cozied up to Vladimir Putin of Russia, Viktor Orban of Hungary, Xi Jinping of China and Kim Jong Un of North Korea. All of them are dictators with no use for genuine democracy or constitutions.

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Is that what you want here? Just vote for Trump, and we may be well on our way toward it. James C. McClelland, Lincoln Catch the latest in Opinion Get opinion pieces, letters and editorials sent directly to your inbox weekly!.