Letter to the editor: MT leaders need to take a strong stand to control Trump

A message to the Montana U.S. delegation:


A message to the Montana U.S. delegation: I am in support of ways to find savings and efficiency in government and pass savings to taxpayers.

Because of the embarrassing display by the president, vice president and members of his administration in their disrespectful attacks on the president of Ukraine, I felt I must express my concerns and urge your action to address the destruction before our democracy is destroyed. Ukraine was invaded by Russia and its leader is desperately trying to save his country. Everyone is aware of that fact and the president cannot change history merely with his words.

The verbal attack from the president leader was uncalled for and unfortunate. It demeans the United States in the eyes of the world. This activity lacks leadership and does nothing to address the issues of the US to improve conditions for all citizens.

The US congress is an equal branch of government. I encourage you to take action to stop the destruction of this administration. Members of congress need to speak as one to get this administration to act with more prudence.

Elon Musk is not an elected official and should not be allowed unfettered access to private data and fear mongering for his own benefit. Inflation will not come under control, access to quality health care will become history and our education system will continue to deteriorate. We should not have to live in fear of retribution.

I ask you to take strong stand to control this administration..