Letter to the Editor: I trust Mike to face Vt’s challenges wisely

This letter is from Michelle Monroe, a resident of St. Albans City.


This letter is from Michelle Monroe, a resident of St. Albans City. I am writing to support Mike McCarthy’s re-election as St.

Albans City’s representative in the Vermont House. In my 15 years as a journalist, I interviewed dozens of Franklin County candidates for the Vermont legislature. Their knowledge of the issues varied widely, but Mike was one of the handful of candidates who always demonstrated an understanding of the issues impacting Vermont.

That understanding went beyond reciting slogans to actually get at the complexity of the challenges facing our state, including housing and the cost of public education. Slogans are easy. Developing an understanding of the underlying causes of problems and trying to solve them is much more challenging, particularly when legislators have to balance a number of competing interests.

In Mike, I’ve seen someone I trust to approach the challenges facing our state with the seriousness and depth of understanding required to solve them. I also reported on St. Albans City during Mr.

Luneau’s tenure on the city council, and I remember vividly his effort to close the city pool in order to save the city a small amount of money. If I recall correctly, just $11,000, less than $2 per resident. That effort was so unpopular Mr.

Luneau lost his council seat by a narrow margin. Rather than accept the result, he went to court where he succeeded in getting an order for a second election by casting aspersions on the city clerk and the election process. He lost the second election by a much larger margin.

Neither the effort to close the pool or rejecting the election results are the actions of someone I want representing me. Additionally, Mike has been a productive member of the legislature and now chairs the House Government Operations Committee. He’s respected by his fellow legislators and a member of the House leadership team.

When it comes to getting things done for St. Albans, those things matter. I urge my fellow city residents to join me in supporting Mike McCarthy for the Vermont House.
