Letter: The voting solution is so simple

Most Nebraskans probably don’t realize that 80% of all U.S. voters currently have no reason to vote in a presidential election. Their vote has no effect on the outcome.


Most Nebraskans probably don’t realize that 80% of all U.S. voters currently have no reason to vote in a presidential election.

Their vote has no effect on the outcome. Yet, in the most recent presidential election, both parties campaigned in Nebraska for that possible tie-breaking electoral vote. We were not a flyover state.

Voters in our legislative districts have a political voice. Republican state senators and our governor shouldn’t kowtow to the non-resident political activist Charlie Kirk over doing what they know is right for all Nebraskans. This bill is not about unity, nor principles — it’s about money, power and greed! I fear this bill will pass, based on the makeup of our supposedly nonpartisan Legislature, as it’s a continuation of the far-right onslaught to desecrate the rights of voters.

If this bill passes, there is absolutely no reason for a non-Republican voter to vote in a presidential election for decades. People are also reading..

. It will be one of the great thefts in Nebraska political history. Every voter should be aware that Republicans do not respect the right of each and every Nebraskan to vote their choice.

This bill allows them to change your choice, particularly in the 2nd District. There is a simple solution, and it doesn’t require a constitutional amendment either. Our governor and Legislature should commit to joining the National Popular Vote Interstate Pact.

As all Nebraskans would say, it’s just common sense. If all 50 governors are chosen by popular vote; why not the president? Majority governs. It would then be one-person-one vote, and your vote would have equal value to that of a Florida or Michigan voter.

Imagine you having the deciding vote in a tied presidential popular vote election. It can’t get any better than that! Ron Cunningham, Lincoln Catch the latest in Opinion Get opinion pieces, letters and editorials sent directly to your inbox weekly!.