I was very disappointed to learn that the Minnesota Republican Party’s director believes that many local protesters are outside agitators. The Star Tribune article from March 8, “Calls for GOP to Hold Town Halls” stated: ADVERTISEMENT Republicans believe the protests are meant to sow chaos rather than create a dialogue between voters and their representatives. They suspect many of the protesters do not live in the districts where they’ve gathered.
“They’re not actually even advocating the positions that they care about effectively,” said Jennifer DeJournett, executive director of the Minnesota Republican Party. “It’s sort of manufactured outrage in an area where they don’t even live.” Okay, GOP, show me the proof.
I attend these gatherings. The concerned citizens holding signs and requesting to speak to their Congresspeople are local and reside in my district. At Rep.
Finstad’s office in Rochester, they happen on Tuesday or Thursday mornings. Who has time to drive across the state — or from out of state — to attend a one-hour vigil on a weekday morning? I see my friends, neighbors, and colleagues at these events. On International Women’s Day, over 220 Rochester area folks gathered for a peaceful protest.
Again, I saw dozen of faces and smiles that I knew. These are Finstad’s constituents. They are not outsiders being bused in or paid to attend.
I would really appreciate it if DeJournett and Republicans could put that tired old misinformation to rest. Every other movement in the history of our great nation has relied upon grassroots participation. Good luck silencing voters’ voices in a democracy.
Dr. Pam Whitfield , Rochester.