Letter: National news is local news

Barbara Dunn of Fargo writes in support of a recent letter critical of Forum Communications.


I'm writing today to second the points made by Lyn Dockter-Pinnick in her recent letter to the editor. I agree that the Forum Communications' decision to stop "focusing" on national news is an unnatural division of the happenings that affect all of us into false categories of "national" and "local." Dockter-Pinnick notes that the past 10 days has seen a hailstorm of Executive Orders and directives created in the mendacious attempt to sculpt a different reality from the one we are experiencing day to day with our own eyes and ears - the real reality.

I agree and, in my opinion, the high volume of memos and orders is designed specifically to be just like a blinding hailstorm, to hide the true goals of the current administration which are both antithetical to every decent thing we Midwesterners were taught to believe in and which benefit very few while harming many, real people. What is more local than our neighbors? I would say that it appears that Forum Communications has decided to throw in its lot with the lying who steal money and power. What other goals could this news policy be in service of besides creating the alternate, obscured environment that allows the corrupt to furtively take undeserved gains for themselves? National news is local news.

Barbara Dunn lives in Fargo..