LeRoy W. Bloom’s letter to the editor in the Nov. 20 edition shows him to be plagued by irrational paranoia.
No one is coming for you. No one is going to take away your Medicare or Social Security. Donald Trump isn’t Adolf Hitler or Satan or whatever lie you happen to believe.
You aren’t going to be living under a dictatorship or a theocracy. The U.S.
Supreme Court isn’t teeming with Christian nationalists seeking to gut the Constitution. Kim Jong Un will not be sending troops into your neighborhood. I blame the media for Bloom’s predicament.
We’ve been lied to since 2016. John A. Quayle North Franklin.
LETTER: Irrational paranoia about Trump
LeRoy W. Bloom’s letter to the editor in the Nov. 20 edition shows him to be plagued by irrational paranoia. No one is coming for you. No one is going to take away your Medicare or Social Security. Donald Trump isn’t Adolf Hitler or Satan or whatever lie you happen to believe. You aren’t going [...]