Letter: Elected officials can do better

The state Legislature's proposal to incarcerate children for violent crime is a simplistic, misguided, cruel solution to a complex problem. Incarceration for life is not going to deter an impulsive 12-year-old hell-bent on doing harm.


The state Legislature's proposal to incarcerate children for violent crime is a simplistic, misguided, cruel solution to a complex problem. Incarceration for life is not going to deter an impulsive 12-year-old hell-bent on doing harm. The legislators supporting this bill could better support public safety if they focused their energy on the conditions that create situations that lead young people to commit violent crimes.

For example: What kinds of support and resources would help families, schools, foster parents, social services and/or churches to create a more hopeful healthy life for these youngsters? How do these young people access weapons? Perhaps some common sense measures toward gun regulation would help keep weapons out of the hands of these youngsters. Perhaps pro-life could extend beyond nine months in the womb. Supporting “life” means supporting parents throughout the life of their children.

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The list of preventative measures is long and requires dedication, hard work and a willingness to understand the common good. The solutions and the work are not easy but would benefit all of us. I expect better of elected officials.

Jane Wolfe, Lincoln Catch the latest in Opinion Get opinion pieces, letters and editorials sent directly to your inbox weekly!.