Letter: Economy needs Trump

Letter to the editor of the Nevada Appeal


Necessities are real. A home, fire insurance; a job, car, gas, car insurance; food, clothing, childcare, medicine, dental care, health insurance. The cost of all these things are now unaffordable.

You know you can’t handle four more years of this. You will lose the job, the house, the car, the dental and health care, the last to go will be food and clothing. Desperate times dictate our decisions.

You hate Trump’s personality but you know life was way better under his command. It really can’t be that hard to make the right choice for your future. I know Trump loves America, I know in my heart of hearts he cares about all of us.

Even though I don’t like Trump’s personality, I will vote for him to help all of my neighbors, friends and family who are suffering so they will have a chance for a better future. I really do believe if Trump wins we all win. Also don’t believe those who defame Trump and discredit Project 2025.

You should do your own fact-checking. Donald Trump has absolutely no involvement with The Heritage Foundation Project 2025. There are 100 organizations involved and he is not one of them.

You should read about their focus and learn for yourself who they are and what they stand for. Thank you for reading and maybe listening. Melanie Walters Minden.