LETTER: Democratic plan to tax unrealized gains is a slipperly slope

I just spent four days immersed in leftist progressive ideology courtesy of the Democratic National Convention, time I will never get back. However, there is much to be learned listening to the other side.


I just spent four days immersed in leftist progressive ideology courtesy of the Democratic National Convention, time I will never get back. However, there is much to be learned listening to the other side. Perhaps, amongst all the empty platitudes and superlatives espoused, was the new tax on unrealized capital gains.

The progressives suggest this is just for the ultra wealthy $100 million dollar club. Hogwash. This will directly cripple innovation and economic growth and further will discourage start-up founders from taking their companies public.

This is a slippery slope that will effect all of us. The Dems have never met a tax that they did not like. Trust me they will eventually lower that threshold.

Simply put, this is another typical progressive liberal socialist wealth transfer. Indeed it is easy to be a liberal spending other people's money on initiatives and feel good because you have done something. -- Raymon Thomas, Sioux City.