Letter: An unused fund of your tax dollars

Ever wonder what that “Presidential Campaign Fund” is on your tax return? You can designate $3 of your tax money to go into that fund. Candidates can get $300 million from that fund for their campaign IF they agree to take no other donations. In 2008, both Obama and McCain agreed to do that, but [...]


Ever wonder what that “Presidential Campaign Fund” is on your tax return? You can designate $3 of your tax money to go into that fund. Candidates can get $300 million from that fund for their campaign IF they agree to take no other donations. In 2008, both Obama and McCain agreed to do that, but Obama changed his mind at the last minute and raised about $1 billion.

A classic Lucy-with-the-football move. McCain was stuck with his $300 million. The fund should be retitled the “John McCain Memorial Fund,” because no candidate will ever use it again.

— Bob Gustafson, Oroville.