LETTER: An epidemic of slow drivers

At risk of sounding like an angry Boomer shaking his fist at the sky, I write to tell you of an epidemic here in Sioux City.


At risk of sounding like an angry Boomer shaking his fist at the sky, I write to tell you of an epidemic here in Sioux City. No, it’s not a virus (although it is time to get your flu shot). This is an epidemic of slow drivers.

I’ve lived in several cities where folks ignore speed limits, but they usually do so by speeding. Not here in Sioux City. The posted speed limit on Hamilton Boulevard, for example, is 35 mph.

It is not 30, and it is certainly not 25 mph. And yet I regularly find myself stuck behind vehicles in both lanes driving at speeds under 20 mph as if conspiring to not let anyone pass. This is not only dangerous, it’s also incredibly rude.

I find it’s also often these snail’s pace drivers who are quick to road rage when someone finally does pass them. It’s like some kind of bitter vehicular entrapment, and I think folks with anger issues would be better served by a gym membership than by backing up rush-hour traffic. The trains in this town are bad enough, let’s try to be courteous, efficient, and aware of our surroundings on the road, please.

Just because you have nowhere to be doesn’t mean those of us behind you aren’t in a hurry to get where we're going. Oh, and you can usually make a turn without coming to a complete stop first too, just so you know. Michael Maxwell, Sioux City.