Let me know your views on city centre plan - Angus Robertson

A new proposal to improve the centre of the city has been revealed. The Princes Street and Waverley Valley Strategy will see this important and historic area improved, coinciding with plans to develop George Street.


The masterplan aims to transform this historic area into a greener, more sustainable, and pedestrian-friendly environment while maintaining its iconic heritage. These are valuable aims around which all in Edinburgh can rally. Central to the proposal are improved walkways, a new footbridge across the Waverley Valley and increased green spaces to foster biodiversity and community use.

The project encourages the adaptive reuse of historic buildings and introduces flexible mixed-use developments like pop-up spaces. Advertisement Advertisement Did you know with a Digital Subscription to Edinburgh News, you can get unlimited access to the website including our premium content, as well as benefiting from fewer ads, loyalty rewards and much more. Importantly, climate resilience and environmental considerations have heavily informed the proposals.

To be as inclusive as possible, the project seeks to balance the needs of the community, tourists and businesses alike, creating a more dynamic and vibrant city centre. Key to this transformation is public engagement, with consultations allowing residents and stakeholders to shape the vision before it is potentially adopted by 2025. Edinburgh City Council transport and environment committee will vote on the proposals before putting the plans to Edinburgh residents for comments and suggestions.

Equally, I am interested in hearing from constituents about these plans, particularly those living proximate to the area. I remain available to discuss views and to work with council colleagues to make sure the improvements to our city work for all. You can view the draft strategy on the council’s website.

Angus Robertson is Constitution, External Affairs and Culture Secretary.