-It’s the night after Halloween Havoc and my review for that show is here. Let’s get to it! -Announce Team: Eric Bischoff, Bobby Heenan, and Mongo -Hara Arena, Dayton, OH -Eric Bischoff welcomes us to the show and mentions Randy Savage is out and won’t be here tonight. Sgt.
Craig “Pitbull” Pittman vs. Eddie Guerrero -This was supposed to be Savage, but as mentioned he is out with an injury and Eddie is taking his place. Did we ever get Eddie vs.
Savage? I know they crossed paths in a Lethal Lottery Match in 96 and included Flair and Arn. Weird thing as Eric keeps saying they will shot footage from Halloween Havoc, but it has not arrived yet. That’s one tactic to keep the audience around.
Pittman uses his amateur skills to start and Eddie surprises him by getting a take down of his own. Pittman with a knee to the gut and he sends Eddie head first into the corner. He works the arm, but Eddie is in the ropes and a break is forced by Randy Anderson.
Eddie fires back with right hands and and gets a leg lariat for two. Clothesline from Pittman off a reversal gets two. Eddie sends him into the corner, but misses a charge in the opposite corner.
Pittman tries something and no clue as they seemed to be on different pages. Pittman goes back to the arm, but Eddie gets to the ropes again. Nice overhead belly to belly suplex gets two! Pittman back to the arm and and hits a series of clotheslines, but Eddie gets a kind of enziguiri to the back.
He blocks a roll-up and gets a springboard cross-body for two. He celebrates too much and Pittman gets another suplex for two. Gut-wrench powerbomb from Pittman, but Eddie counters a hip-toss into a roll-up for the pin at 5:33.
Winner: Eddie Guerrero via pin at 5:33 -Weird match as they didn’t seem to have much chemistry. What worked best was Eddie bumping for the throws and suplexes. They treat Eddie getting the win as a big upset.
* -We go back to Nitro in September where Shark costs Scott Norton a match against Randy Savage. Last week Norton and Shark brawled in the back. Shark vs.
Scott Norton -This match would have probably gotten over well in Japan. I mean, if Tenta wasn’t a Shark and was his normal self. Lockup and they fight for position.
Shark mauls Norton in the corner and gets a belly to belly suplex. He drops an elbow for two. Norton back with a clothesline and then another, but Shark stays on his feet.
Norton heads up top and hits a shoulder block. Shark staggers into the corner and Norton catches him with a slam on the way out which gets a solid pop. Double clothesline leaves both men down.
We see Bobby Heenan sitting with Sonny Onoo at a catering table and again, they actually do pay this story off soon. Norton and Shark fight on the floor and it’s a double count-out at 2:48. Double Count-out at 2:48 -It started as a solid HOSS fight but then they focused switched to Heenan and then we got the cramp ending.
1/2* -Heenan receives an envelope from Onoo as he tells him about all the programming in WCW. -Tony Schiavone is in the ring and brings out the reborn Horsemen: Ric Flair, Brian Pillman, and Arn Anderson. Nature is healing as Arn and Ric are back together and Ric turned on Sting again.
They Horsemen celebrate and Ric yells we’re back a lot. -Saturday Night this week: Benoit vs. Wright; Arn and Flair team together; Harlem Heat defend the Tag Titles against The Blue Bloods! Sabu vs.
Disco Inferno -I believe this is the last appearance of Sabu in WCW. He punches Disco in the face and gets the springboard leg lariat and then a springboard dropkick for two. Sabu misses a clothesline and Disco plants him on his face by the hair.
Another throw and Disco dances before hitting a clothesline. More dancing! This is kind of surreal and now, I wish we could have seen Disco show up in ECW at The Arena. The crowd chants for Sabu as they start trading right hands.
Disco misses a splash in the corner and Sabu gets the somersault leg drop for the pin at 2:26. Winner: Sabu via pin at 2:26 -It was short and one of those matches you can’t believe actually happened. This was a total clash in everything you can think of between two wrestlers.
It found it fun to watch though. Best match of the night so far! *1/2 -Sabu hits a slingshot plank on the floor and then runs with a table down the aisle and throws it at Disco. Cool! Sabu preps the table and tries a somersault plancha, but Disco moves and the table doesn’t break! Ouch! That sounded painful! Disco runs away while Sabu seems pissed and starts throwing the table and stairs around.
Lex Luger and Meng (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. The American Males -Luger revealed he was working with The Dungeon of Doom last night and they should run through Bagwell and Riggs here to build off what The DOD accomplished at Halloween Havoc. Meng starts with Riggs as Eric notes that next week Nitro will be interactive with the fans being able to vote for matches.
We immediately take a break at 40 seconds. -30 seconds of Peacock commercials! -Back with Luger and Bagwell in the ring and the tag is made to Riggs. He comes off the top with a shot to the arm.
He continues to work the arm as Mongo notes the Males have been kicking the shag out of Luger. Bischoff nearly had heart failure as he was worried another s word was coming out of his mouth. Luger has finally had enough and stomps Riggs in the corner.
The crowd is all over Luger with a Hogan chant. Riggs blocks a charge in the corner and fires off right hands. Standing dropkick and he takes a shot at Meng as well.
That’s not smart! Meng in behind the refs back and Luger and Meng hit a version of The Hart Attack. Cool! Meng with a clothesline as Riggs is our future one eyed Raven victim in peril. Luger back in and he hits a double ax from the middle ropes to the face.
Eric mentions next week’s show is in Jacksonville, FL. Tony Khan turned 13 just a few weeks before this show, so I wonder if he was gifted tickets to the show in Jacksonville? Wonder if he even lived in Jacksonville at the time? I know he grew up in Illinois so probably not. Anyway, Bagwell gets the hot tag and gets a flurry, but Meng kicks Riggs ass and hits Bagwell with a kick behind the ref’s back and Luger gets a submission with a Torture Rack at 7:22.
Winners: Lex Luger and Meng via pin at 7:22 -Just a very extended SQUASH. It should have been a few minutes max, but I guess they need to stretch it out since it was our Main Event. * -We go back to Halloween Havoc from the previous night and see Jimmy Hart turn on Hulk Hogan, causing a disqualification.
Giant gets the win by DQ and then Luger heads down and turns on Savage and Hogan. The Yeti is here and we get THE DOUBLE DRY HUMP ON HOGAN! -Back to Nitro where Tony Schiavone is with The Giant, Kevin Sullivan, Jimmy Hart, and Lex Luger. Giant is wearing the WCW World Title even though Tony yells that the belt doesn’t belong to him.
Yeah, about that! I guess we get that next week! Jimmy Hart explains his turn as Kevin Sullivan is his past and The Giant and Lex Luger are the future. The Giant is still talking in nurses rhymes and says he will defend the Title on TV next Monday Night and nobody is taking the belt from him. -Thanks for reading! 4.
0 The final score: review Poor The 411 This was a total throw away show as it seemed they were just wanting to get through this week after the PPV the previous night. It makes sense as they were in regroup mode and I can understand waiting a week to get things moving again. That obviously didn't help this show but even with bad to okay action, it is still an easy watch.
They all can't be winners though. legend 0 - 0.9 Torture 1 - 1.
9 Extremely Horrendous 2 - 2.9 Very Bad 3 - 3.9 Bad 4 - 4.
9 Poor 5 - 5.9 Not So Good 6 - 6.9 Average 7 - 7.
9 Good 8 - 8.9 Very Good 9 - 9.9 Amazing 10 Virtually Perfect.