'Left-wing' ABC under fire over audio tampering in Heston Russell fake war crimes story


A former chairman of the ABC, Maurice Newman, has accused the broadcaster of pushing a radical left-wing agenda following revelations of audio tampering in a report on alleged Australian war crimes. Channel 7's Spotlight uncovered that gunshot sounds were added to an online video version of a 2022 ABC story , exaggerating the actions of Australian soldiers in Afghanistan. https://youtu.

be/cvjLvF5PIAE?feature=shared Independent audio expert James Raper found the audio falsely portrayed a helicopter firing multiple shots at an Afghan man, rather than a single warning shot. Newman described the incident as “ shocking ” and said it confirmed suspicions that the ABC operates with a political bias. “T he ABC is a shameless megaphone of the left, ” Newman said.

In response, the ABC removed the video and launched an investigation. A spokesperson said the journalists involved had no role in the audio production, calling any allegations of unethical behaviour " completely false ." Former army officer Stu McCarthy condemned the reports, labelling them “ grotesque fabrications.

” His criticism follows several ABC war crimes reports being retracted after a defamation suit by retired Special Forces Commander Heston Russell resulted in a $400,000 payout. Calls for accountability continue, with Opposition MPs demanding a full investigation into the broadcaster’s practices..