Lee Anderson slams 'clueless' Labour MP over why 'smashing the gangs' won't stop migrants

Reform UK's Lee Anderson clashed with new Labour MP Fred Thomas who said he did not think the UK should be a place where 'fewer people want to come here'.


Lee Anderson has blasted a newly-elected Labour MP as "clueless" for his response when challenged on how the government could stop criminal gangs sending illegal migrants to the country in small boats. The bombastic Reform UK MP had little time for the assertions of Labour MP Fred Thomas as the pair clashed during a panel discussion on illegal migration in Westminster Hall. Mr Thomas, who now represents Plymouth Moor View after ousting ex-Tory veterans minister Johnny Mercer on July 4, opened his remarks by echoing a very familiar line from the new Labour administration of blaming the previous government for all their problems.

During a long speech he said his party had come into "government nine weeks ago and inherited a dire situation from the outgoing Conservative Government". The 32-year-old former Royal Marine spoke about the tragedy of illegal migrant crossings highlighting the horrific deaths of 12 people last week "including six children and a pregnant woman". He added: "Sadly, the one set of people who do not care about that loss of life is the smuggling gangs who are responsible for putting people on those terribly overcrowded boats.

"That is why, to tackle the small boats crisis at its source, we must smash the criminal gangs." At this remark Mr Thomas gave way to Mr Anderson, the Reform UK MP for Ashfield, who offered his own withering assessment of Labour's "smash the gangs" rhetoric. He said: "We keep hearing this slogan, 'smash the gangs'.

"Does the honourable Member not realise that when a gang is smashed, there are another 20 gangs ready to take that gang’s place and carry on the people smuggling? "I am sure that he will agree that what we need in this country is a deterrent that stops people wanting to come here in the first place." Seemingly not wanting to address the question of a deterrent, Mr Thomas responded: "For me, the UK is the best country in the world; I do not think we should make our country a less good place so that fewer people want to come here. That is not the route to go down.

" Taking to the social media site X later and sharing a video of their exchange, Mr Anderson wrote: "State A This. This is me challenging a clueless Labour MP.".