LeDREW: Trudeau is Canada's most destructive and charming PM


Justin Trudeau won in 2015 because he was the leader of the Liberal Party of Canada — the most successful political party in the western world. But Justin Trudeau will lose the next election, so badly that it would embarrass any normal person, becoming the leader of the fourth party in the House of Commons. Trudeau will be obliterated because Canadians now understand that he is not the leader of the Liberal Party, but the leader of a “movement,” as he referred to the party when he became leader.

Canadians were not told that the “movement” to which Trudeau referred was his concept of a progressive party. Trudeau has since declared time and time again that he is leading a “progressive” government, jointly with the NDP, and Canadians don’t like that. Canadians don’t like top-down edicts from Ottawa, telling everyone that they will be forced to purchase only electric vehicles starting in 2035.

Canadians don’t like an authoritarian tax-and-spend socialist government that has ruined the economy. Canadians don’t like a PM telling other world leaders that Canadian businesses are not allowed to sell clean-burning natural gas to other needy countries willing to pay billions of dollars. Canadians don’t like a government handing out narcotics for free to anyone who asks.

Canadians don’t like parents not being told by education bureaucrats that their 11-year-old children are changing their gender. The list of silly and egregious orders by our “sunny ways” prime minister would fill umpteen pages of this newspaper — readers know so many of them. And yet our tone-deaf PM insists that he will win the next election by promising Canadians that upon re-election he will continue to deliver great government to Canadians.

Huh? Continue to provide? He thinks that he has delivered good government to Canadians? He is so insulated by his sycophants and quisling MPs that he does not believe that virtually every citizen has more than a handful of serious complaints about how this government has either failed them or actually taken a position that attacks their well-being. Liberals believe in free enterprise, a socially responsible government, an educational system that is not ruled by politically correct, woke bureaucrats and an immigration system that promotes Canada, as opposed to opening the floodgates to everyone in the world who wants a free ticket. Liberals believe in a free press, uncensored by government bureaucrats, and they believe in open debate of the issues.

Progressives are autocratic socialists who believe that more government and more bureaucrats are the answer to all problems and that citizens should be glad to have a government, like Trudeau’s, which knows what is best for them. That is why our PM is doubling down after defeats — to show people that he knows best. That is why he is hanging on until the very last day to face the people in an election, ridding Canada of the most charming and destructive prime minister ever.

— LeDrew is the former president of the Liberal Party of Canada and host of the Three Minute Interview..