Large bear takes up residence underneath Sierra Madre home

A Sierra Madre couple is dealing with an unwanted guest underneath their home, a large bear.


SIERRA MADRE, Calif. (KABC) -- A Sierra Madre couple is dealing with an unwanted guest underneath their home, a large bear. Bob and Sara Nesler first noticed the bear underneath their home around two weeks ago.

The bear managed to make himself at home through a hole in their porch. "That's his den right now. We gotta get him out of there because, you know, I think we'd be held responsible if anybody got hurt, but he hasn't bothered us in any way," said Bob Nesler.

"They're not dangerous creatures at all, unless you're a trash can," he added. "Junior", as the Nesler's have nicknamed him, is a 300 to 400 pound older male black bear. He has been coming and going from their home for the past two weeks.

"Apparently he leaves to go out on the town in the evening, and then he comes back about 5:30 in the morning," said Bob Nesler. For Bob, it's an ironic twist. As a Hollywood animator, he used to draw Yogi Bear.

Now that "Junior" moved in, Bob has started to draw him. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife responded to the home to try and help the Nesler's get the unwanted guest out. "Easiest option here is to let it leave on its own, stress free and get that space boarded up," said Kevin Howells from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Agents set up motion activated sprinklers in hopes it will keep "Junior" from returning. "It's a good tenant. He's not bad, it's just a bear," said Susan Nesler.

"Other than making little piles outside the house he really isn't causing a problem, but for safety reasons we need to get him out.".