Landmark Defence suicide report plots a path forward

The Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide's report has been released with 122 recommendations, after three years of hearings and 6000 submissions.


ROYAL COMMISSION INTO DEFENCE AND VETERAN SUICIDE FINAL REPORT / (min cost $ 0 ) or signup to continue reading * The seven-volume final report contained 122 recommendations for addressing the rate of suicide among current and former Defence personnel * Recommendations included setting up a new federal agency dedicated to the wellbeing of veterans * It noted the Department of Veterans' Affairs in its current form could not deliver proper support to veterans to reduce the risk of suicide * The new agency would be made up of employees with experience of military service that was "by veterans, for veterans" and help with the transition from military to civilian life * A national register of suicides of current and former defence force members should be carried out and take risk factors into account * A separate inquiry should be done into sexual violence within the Defence Force * Defence members convicted of sexual offences should be subject to a mandatory discharge * Senior leaders within Defence should be held more accountable for the health and wellbeing of members under their command, with the selection process for promotion taking into account those who encourage a positive culture * Culture within Defence, as well as health and wellbeing outcomes, should be publicly reported * New programs should be set up to support Defence members transitioning from military to civilian life * Transition screening programs should be expanded to assess the psychological readiness of defence members * Increased performance targets be put in place within the Department of Veterans' Affairs in processing claims Lifeline 13 11 14 Open Arms 1800 011 046 Advertisement Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date. We care about the protection of your data. Read our .
