Ladysmith man sentenced for 4th-degree sex assault

A man from Ladysmith was given six months of conditional jail time and will spend four years on probation for fourth-degree sexual assault in a case filed after a 15-year-old girl’s stepfather found him in her bed in their Cameron...


A man from Ladysmith was given six months of conditional jail time and will spend four years on probation for fourth-degree sexual assault in a case filed after a 15-year-old girl’s stepfather found him in her bed in their Cameron residence. Raif A. Duzy, 21, was charged on May 31, 2023, in Barron County Circuit Court with felony charges of attempted second-degree sexual assault of a child and second-degree sexual assault of child, but he reached a plea deal on June 14 and pleaded guilty to two felony counts of exposing genitals/pubic area/intimate parts to a child and one misdemeanor count of fourth-degree sexual assault.

He also pleaded guilty to felony bail jumping in a separate case filed on Oct. 4. Judge James Babler on Tuesday sentenced Duzy to six months of conditional jail time, which he may serve in Rusk County if there is no cost to Barron County, with work release privileges.

Duzy must undergo sex offender evaluation and comply with any recommended treatment, and the judge left open whether he must register as a sex offender. Duzy also was ordered to have no contact with the victim or come into Barron County except for a court hearing or legal reasons. He is already facing two charges of bail jumping for violating bond conditions by allegedly meeting with the girl in Cameron on Aug.

27. An initial appearance to answer to these charges is set for Sept. 25.
