La Mesa Plans DUI Checkpoint Friday Night

La Mesa police will conduct a DUI Checkpoint Friday, according to a statement from the department, starting at 8 p.m.


La Mesa police will conduct a DUI Checkpoint Friday night, according to a statement from the department. The checkpoint will be in the 4900 block of Spring Street from 8 p.m.

to 2 a.m. Locations are determined based on data showing where incidents of impaired driving-related crashes are likely to occur.

“The goal of the city of La Mesa’s Vision Zero Plan is to reduce traffic fatalities to zero by 2025, and this DUI Checkpoint is part of that plan,” Chief Ray Sweeney said. We have launched our year-end campaign. Our goal: Raise $50,000 by Dec.

31. Help us get there. Times of San Diego is devoted to producing timely, comprehensive news about San Diego County.

Your donation helps keep our work free-to-read, funds reporters who cover local issues and allows us to write stories that hold public officials accountable. Join the growing list of donors investing in our community's long-term future. Impaired driving is not just due to alcohol use – some prescription medications and over-the-counter drugs also may interfere with driving.

In addition, driving under the influence of marijuana is illegal. Anyone with a first-time DUI faces an average of $13,500 in fines and penalties, as well as a suspended license, police said. Get Our Free Daily Email Newsletter Get the latest local and California news from Times of San Diego delivered to your inbox at 8 a.

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