Pune: Under its ‘Know Your Army' initiative, the Southern Command of Indian Army will host a three-day event designed to showcase the strength, technological advancements and indigenous capabilities from Jan 3 to 5 at the Royal Western India Turf Club. It will be open to the public from 9am to 5pm each day. The event is part of the celebrations leading up to Army Day on Jan 15 at the Bombay Engineering Group and Centre for the first time.
The event reflects the army's commitment to strengthening connections with citizens while celebrating its transformative journey. Declared the ‘Decade of Transformation,' the Indian Army embraced advanced technologies to prepare for future battlefields and evolve into a mission-focused and future-ready force. The exhibition will feature a range of military equipment and technologies, giving visitors a unique glimpse into the operational capabilities of the Indian Army, said a statement issued by the command.
Attendees can expect to see infantry and special forces equipment, including the K-9 Vajra, 155 MM BOFORS, PINAKA, T-90, BMP-II tanks, air defence systems such as the L-70, ZU-23, Akash and upgraded Schilka, along with swarm drones and other newly inducted vehicles. Advisory for visitors Visitors are advised to arrive between 08:30am and 09:15am for the morning session and by 02:00pm for the afternoon session to avoid traffic congestion. Only handbags are permitted Entry will be permitted only with a valid govt-issued ID.
No pets or inflammable items will be allowed. Children below 10 years must be accompanied by a parent or a guardian. Refreshment stalls will be available at the venue for public convenience.