Kenon (NYSE:KEN) Shares Gap Up – Should You Buy?

Kenon Holdings Ltd. (NYSE:KEN – Get Free Report)’s stock price gapped up before the market opened on Tuesday . The stock had previously closed at $31.92, but opened at $32.70. Kenon shares last traded at $32.81, with a volume of 5,991 shares. Kenon Stock Up 6.5 % The company has a current ratio of 3.78, [...]


Kenon Holdings Ltd. ( NYSE:KEN – Get Free Report )’s stock price gapped up before the market opened on Tuesday . The stock had previously closed at $31.

92, but opened at $32.70. Kenon shares last traded at $32.

81, with a volume of 5,991 shares. Kenon Stock Up 6.5 % The company has a current ratio of 3.

78, a quick ratio of 3.78 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.64.

The firm has a market cap of $1.83 billion, a price-to-earnings ratio of 10.63 and a beta of 1.

44. The firm’s 50 day simple moving average is $29.69 and its two-hundred day simple moving average is $26.

91. Institutional Investors Weigh In On Kenon Several institutional investors have recently made changes to their positions in the stock. Barclays PLC raised its holdings in Kenon by 4,233.

3% in the 3rd quarter. Barclays PLC now owns 4,550 shares of the utilities provider’s stock valued at $127,000 after acquiring an additional 4,445 shares in the last quarter. BNP Paribas Financial Markets increased its position in shares of Kenon by 13.

4% in the third quarter. BNP Paribas Financial Markets now owns 7,600 shares of the utilities provider’s stock worth $212,000 after purchasing an additional 900 shares during the period. Public Employees Retirement System of Ohio acquired a new position in Kenon in the third quarter valued at about $365,000.

CWA Asset Management Group LLC bought a new stake in Kenon during the third quarter worth about $504,000. Finally, JPMorgan Chase & Co. acquired a new stake in Kenon during the third quarter worth about $1,136,000.

13.38% of the stock is currently owned by institutional investors. Kenon Company Profile Kenon Holdings Ltd.

, through its subsidiaries, operates as an owner, developer, and operator of power generation facilities in Israel, the United States, and internationally. It operates through OPC Power Plants, CPV Group, and ZIM segments. The company engages in the generation and supply of electricity and energy; development, construction, and management of solar and wind energy, and conventional natural gas-fired power plants; and provision of container liner shipping services.

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