Keir Starmer undisputed king of freebies as table shows he got £67k more than any other MP

Sir Keir stuck to his guns yesterday, saying if he did not accept hospitality he would not be able to go and see his team, Arsenal.


Sir Keir Starmer has accepted vastly more freebies than any other MP since he became Labour leader, unearthed figures have revealed. But the Prime Minister has continued to dig his heels by insisting it was his right to accept “hospitality” to watch Arsenal . Government officials are increasingly concerned that Sir Keir's frequent acceptance of gifts could lead to a conflict of interest.

The timing is also awkward given the furore comes amid plans to overhaul football's regulatory system. Sir Keir has received two-and-a-half times more in gifts and hospitality than the next MP, according to a league table compiled by Sky News . Since December 2019, the PM has accepted £107,145 worth of gifts, benefits, and hospitality - a category listed in Parliament’s register of MPs' interests.

In comparison, the next highest recipient, Commons leader Lucy Powell, has declared £40,289. Starmer's total is roughly equivalent to the next five MPs combined. One government insider described the situation as “nuts,” declaring that acceptance of such freebies “should be banned.

” Officials are also understood to have warned Starmer about the risks of opening himself up to inappropriate lobbying, especially in light of his intention to continue attending games. In accordance with ministerial guidance, hospitality from organisations involved in ongoing government regulatory matters is generally discouraged, with the future of football regulation currently under review. The Premier League , one of the largest providers of hospitality, has given Sir Keir almost £40,000 in football tickets.

He declared £12,588 in gifts ranging from four Taylor Swift tickets worth £4,000 during the election campaign, to Euros final tickets valued at £1,628, and several Arsenal match tickets exceeding £6,000 in total. Despite warnings from colleagues that such gifts could harm his political standing, particularly while in opposition, Sir Keir has continued to accept them, arguing that they fall within the rules. The controversy has sparked tensions within his team at the Leader of the Opposition’s Office (LOTO).

Discussions have been held following negative media coverage, but Starmer has maintained his stance, arguing that accepting hospitality is permissible under the rules. Senior Labour figures are reportedly furious that the story about freebies for the Starmer family has dragged on, with different and sometimes contradictory explanations being offered. This has increased pressure on Starmer’s chief of staff, Sue Gray, leading to private calls for her to be sidelined or even dismissed, especially after it was revealed that she earns more than that PM.

This is never ending...

.. #FreeGearKeir pic. Of the £107,145 in gifts and hospitality received by Sir Keir, £86,708 was accepted during the last Parliament, while £20,437 has been declared in this Parliament, much of it for accommodation spanning both periods. Labour peer Waheed Alli is the largest donor, contributing gifts and hospitality worth £39,122, including £20,437 in accommodation, £16,200 in "work clothing," and £2,485 in glasses.

In private discussions, Sir Keir has defended his acceptance of football tickets, arguing that it does not create a conflict of interest. Sir Keir defended his decision to continue accepting football freebies earlier this week, stating that security concerns prevent him from using his regular seat at Arsenal. He said: “If I don’t accept hospitality, I can’t go to the game.

You could say: ‘Well, bad luck.’ That’s why gifts have to be registered. But never going to an Arsenal game again because I can’t accept hospitality is pushing it a bit far.

” Gifts accepted by Sir Keir Starmer : Lord Waheed Alli: Total £39,122 Accommodation: £20,437 Work clothing: £16,200 Multiple pairs of glasses: £2,485 The Football Association Premier League : Total £12,588 Four tickets with hospitality to Taylor Swift concert: £4,000 Five tickets with hospitality to Arsenal vs Porto: £3,000 Four box tickets with lunch for Arsenal vs Watford: £2,160 Four tickets with hospitality for Everton vs Arsenal: £1,800 Two tickets to the Euros Final: £1,628 Crownhawk Properties: Total £4,500 Top ten MPs accepting gifts *: Sir Keir Starmer : £107,145 Lucy Powell: £40,289 Greg Smith: £32,509 Karen Bradley: £23,235 Sir John Whittingdale: £18,728 Jonathan Reynolds: £17,905 Dame Caroline Dineage: £16,993 Ed Davey: £16,591 Nevendu Mishra: £15,189 Caroline Notes: £13,471 * Excluding legal fees.