Keep recycling, replace politicians

The County Commissioners’ tie vote (2 for and 2 against) on keeping our recycling program should not be considered a decision. It’s a tie! Commissioners Jen Crownover and Kevin Webb are right. We NEED the remote recycling program in Comal...


The County Commissioners’ tie vote (2 for and 2 against) on keeping our recycling program should not be considered a decision. It’s a tie! Commissioners Jen Crownover and Kevin Webb are right. We NEED the remote recycling program in Comal County! This recycling program is one thing our county is doing right.

Closing it will cause unnecessary waste problems. What will conscientious citizens do with their recyclable items, put them in their trash cans to become landfill? Commissioners Donna Eccleston and Scott Haig are wrong. They voted against this needed and popular service.

I suggest that when they come up for reelection, we voters must return the favor and vote them out of office..