Kearney Releases 2024 Circular Fashion Index - Average CFX Score Across 235 Global Brands Rises 8% to 3.2 on a Scale of 1 to 10

Study finds global fashion industry's response to environmental urgency all talk, no action 9 of the top 10 ranking companies remain unchanged from 2023 7 circularity metrics are measured but companies have extensively activated none Regulatory pressure will force brands to ramp up their...


, /PRNewswire/ -- Today global management consulting firm releases its , its fourth annual study measuring the global fashion industry's progress toward circularity and sustainability. Based on proprietary analysis, the CFX acts as an objective tool helping companies understand where they rank in their sustainability practices and which circularity levers remain to be pulled. This year's CFX reveals that, with notable exceptions, the industry still tends to be long on conversation around circular thinking and economics and short on actual redesign and execution.

"This fourth iteration of Kearney's Circular Fashion Index found that most brands continue to work within the confines of traditional linear models, making, from an ecological point of view, suboptimal choices at nearly every step in the process, from raw material selection to consumer education," observed report co-author and partner . "This is illustrated by the industry's continued emphasis on debating material choices and how good or bad a particular choice may be for the environment based on emissions, land use, and so on, conveniently overlooking the fact that there is still no clear consensus on which material choices actually minimize environmental damage." CFX 2024 has been expanded to include 235 global brands in 18 countries, with this year's addition of .

It tracks the industry's performance over five key categories: fashion, sports, outdoor (previously analyzed alongside the sports category), underwear an.