Kazakhstan, Germany put pen to paper on joint declaration of cooperation


Kazakhstan’sPresident Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and German Federal Chancellor OlafScholz have adopted a Joint Declaration of Cooperation betweentheir respective countries, reports via Akorda. In addition to the Joint Declaration, the official delegationssigned several key documents below: - A Memorandum of Understanding on technical cooperation betweenthe Deutsche Bundesbank and the National Bank of Kazakhstan. - A Memorandum of Intent to establish the Kazakhstan-GermanyInstitute of Science and Technology at the East KazakhstanTechnical University named after Serikbayev.

This agreement wasmade between Kazakhstan’s Ministry of Science and Higher Educationand Germany's Federal Foreign Office. - A Memorandum of Intent to create a Kazakh-German School. Thisagreement was signed by Kazakhstan's Ministry of Education, theSamruk Kazyna Sovereign Wealth Fund, the Kazakhstan Association ofGermans "Vozrozhdenie," and Germany's Federal Foreign Office.

On September 17, Chancellor Scholz will participate in thesecond "Central Asia — Germany" (5+1) summit in Kazakhstan. Theinaugural summit, held in Berlin last year, led to the signing of astrategic regional partnership program..