Karine Jean Pierre Has Nothing but Giggles to Offer When Asked About all the Missing Manufacturing Jobs


Where, oh where, did those manufacturing jobs go? Are they playing hide and seek? That was the question asked of Biden's Press Secretary today. FBN’s @EdwardLawrence : “[T]he Biden-Harris administration has been touting manufacturing jobs for the —” KJP: “Yeah, yeah.” Lawrence: “— for the past year, but the last jobs report showed that manufacturing lost —” KJP: “Yeah.

” Lawrence: “— 24,000 jobs, and the trend over the...

pic.twitter.com/5cdeKVYIBm FBN’s @EdwardLawrence : “So — so you need more? Is there a time frame as to when those jobs will materialize?” KJP: “I don't have a time frame for you, but what I can say is we've got to take them all into context, right? We do — like data is important, we pay attention to.

.. pic.

twitter.com/ZBeTFb4dbE One thing Karine Jean Pierre will always have is a crazy answer. More word salad from the left.

They can only project and lie. Never producing solutions, only creating mass chaos. So much projection she could practically throw rockets.

1.6 million jobs for illegal aliens maybe. Democrats will offer to give them a job and pay for their gender reassignment surgery .

What a deal! My pug would do a better job than KJP does. pic.twitter.

com/L5JRYbqCp6 He would definitely tell the truth which is more than KJP does. Hey watch it, you can't criticize a a gay black woman. That's racist & homophobic.

Seriously, that was her first comment when she took the podium. KJP is a racist who thinks her sexuality is more important than being qualified for the job. At least there is one job the Biden Administration hasn't lost.

@PressSec KJP might be the dumbest human being on the planet. It goes to show she was unqualified for the job and she’s an embarrassment. I used to be a Democrat and voted Democrat multiple times now.

I will never come back to the Democratic Party because of her lies. She can talk nonsense better than most people so give her some credit. Confronted over a loss of manufacturing jobs and the trend of these jobs going in the WRONG DIRECTION under Biden-Harris: KJP: “We pay attention to reports.

..we want to make sure it’s taken into context.

” pic.twitter.com/JSgaxZd23f It's so odd how she finds all of it so funny.

All of these failed promises hurting Americans and she can't stop laughing. Apparently, when you have a job making six figures to lie, not much can get you down. Someone ask KJP why they lied about the job numbers.

They did and she just giggled like a silly schoolgirl. Has their ever been a better and more loyal BIG LIAR than KJP? The Nazis had Joseph Goebbels, and she sure gives him a run for the money! She is definitely a loyal liar on behalf of the Biden-Harris Administration..