Kiran Rao directorial Laapataa Ladies continues to win hearts ever since it was released in India, last year. Produced by Aamir Khan, the movie starred Sparsh Shrivastava, Pratibha Ranta, and Nitanshi Goel in lead roles. While they did an exceptional role enacting the characters, did you know that Khan’s eldest son Junaid also auditioned for the role of Deepak Kumar, played by Shrivastava? A post shared by Sparsh Shrivastava (@shrivastavasparsh) In a recent interview, Junaid Khan revealed that despite doing a screen test for the role, Rao was up front about Sparsh being better suited for the role than him.
“I did a screen test for the film, but Kiran just said, ‘Sparsh Shrivastava is better for the part,’ and I agree with her,” he was quoted saying by India Today. SEE ALSO: Khushi Kapoor And Junaid Khan's Loveyapa Title Track Is Here, And Netizens Have A Lot Of Thoughts However, he didn’t let the rejection affect his relationship with her and described her as a “fun and warm” person. The 31-year-old actor, who made his much-awaited acting debut with Netflix’s Maharaj, went on to share that he had also auditioned for Aamir Khan and Kareena Kapoor starrer Laal Singh Chaddha.
Sharing his experiences on the same, Junaid shared that he shot 20 minutes of footage for the film with Kiran, who played his mother. A post shared by Aamir Khan Productions (@aamirkhanproductions) Adding to it he revealed that the film didn’t work out in his favour due to budget reasons. Junaid added, “We shot 7-8 scenes for the film over four days, amounting to about 20 minutes of footage.
It was a test for me as well. Papa wanted to see how I dealt with the material. Ultimately, it didn’t work out, largely due to budget reasons.
It was a very expensive film to put a new person in.” SEE ALSO: Junaid Khan Reveals He Is 'Different' From Dad Aamir Khan As A Performer; 'I Guess That Is A Compliment' For the unversed, Laal Singh Chaddha was an official remake of Tom Hanks’ 1994 classic Forrest Gump. Starring Aamir Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan in lead roles, the film received a lot of flak from the audience.
A post shared by Aamir Khan Productions (@aamirkhanproductions) On the work front, Junaid Khan was last seen in Maharaj. He will be next seen in Loveyapa alongside Khushi Kapoor and an untitled project with Sai Pallavi..
Junaid Khan Reveals Kiran Rao Dismissed His Audition For Laapataa Ladies: ‘Sparsh Shrivastava Is Better’
Junaid Khan opens up about auditioning for Laapataa Ladies and Laal Singh ChaddhaJunaid Khan shares why he didn't get to be a part of Laapataa Ladies and Laal Singh Chaddha, despite auditioning for the roles