John Wheeler: 90 degree weather in September is pretty common

The record for Fargo and Grand Forks is seven days.


FARGO — With a warm forecast for the week ahead, it remains to be seen if the temperature gets into the 90s. If it does, this would not really be that weird. For Fargo and Grand Forks, the average number of days of 90 degrees or greater during September is one, but that does not tell the story very well.

About half the Septembers in the past have passed without getting to 90 degrees, but in many years in which it has, it does not stop at the average of one day, but goes plural. Apparently, when the conditions are right for hot weather in September, namely a warm and dry weather pattern, it is likely to get to 90 degrees more than once. The record for Fargo is seven days in 1978 and in and Grand Forks it is seven days set twice in 1922 and 1976.

Last year, a warm September, delivered four days in the 90s to both cities..