John Fugelsang Tried to Play the Jesus Card With Me and It Did NOT Go Well for Him, Like, at All


I'm a realist. I know I'm never going to change anyone's mind by debating them on X. That's not what the platform is for.

But I also believe sunlight is the best disinfectant, and exposing Leftist trolls from all walks of life is -- frankly -- fun sometimes. Before I dive into this story, here's some background. Yesterday, the Teamsters Union released its internal polling for president.

It was, frankly, really bad for Kamala Harris . Before dropping out of the race, Joe Biden enjoyed an eight-point advantage over Trump with Teamsters members. Kamala? Not so much.

In every poll, she ran 25-plus points behind Trump. The will of the Teamsters voters was clear: they like Trump. The union leadership, however, declined to endorse a candidate this year because -- and I quote -- they couldn't find 'definitive support' for either candida te .

Math was never my strong suit, but I think Trump getting nearly 60% of the union members' support is pretty damned definitive. The Teamsters represent some 1.4 million blue-collar workers in various fields ranging from "public defenders in Minnesota; vegetable workers in California; sanitation workers in New York; brewers in St.

Louis; newspaper workers in Seattle; construction workers in Las Vegas; zoo keepers in Pennsylvania; health care workers in Rhode Island; bakery workers in Maine; airline pilots, secretaries and police officers." 16% of the Teamsters are Hispanic/Latino and 15% are Black. That means about 434,000 members of the Teamsters are Black or Hispanic.

Which means many Black and Hispanic Teamsters support Trump. You'd think the Left would listen to these men and women when they overwhelmingly reject Kamala Harris and ask why they reject her. You'd be wrong.

Instead, the Left decided these hardworking men and women are voting 'against their own interests' and are racist. Never underestimate the ability of racism to make people vote against their own interests. Never.

Enter John Fugelsang. According to Google, John has a net worth of around $3 million. Not fantastically wealthy, but more well off and privileged than me and the Teamsters he smeared as racist last night: I'm going out on a limb on who Elie's referring to and say "looking at you, Teamsters.

" Normally, I'd ignore John. This is his schtick and it's as insufferable as it is predictable.

But I find it a fascinating study in Leftist psychology to watch the people who claim to be for the working class get really, really mad when the working class doesn't obey them. It is the epitome of condescension and privilege, and I told John as much. I love the condescension here.

How dare blue collar workers not vote for the people wealthy, privileged Leftists tell them to! He didn't like that , let me tell you. Union members voting for union-hating scabs deserve to be mocked.

See? Those workers made John mad, so he can mock them. (This, by the way, is the hallmark of every abuser: I hit you because you upset me!) I have no use for unions. I think they do very little outside of enrich union leaders (looking at you, Randi Weingarten), but I also think if they're saying they prefer Trump to Kamala, the Left should take about five seconds for some introspection.

You keep telling yourself you’re the good guy here, John. pic. Spoiler alert: John is not the good guy. This is where things take a turn, and quickly: Well while we’re at it, there’s no Jesus-based justification for Trump support, either.

You’ve got to throw out unions and the gospels for your millionaire at birth con man. Annnnd there it is. The Jesus card.

Up until this point, I had not mentioned Jesus. Had no plans to mention Jesus. Jesus has nothing to do with my decision to vote for Trump, nor my support of the Teamsters.

The decision is purely political: gas and groceries were cheaper under Trump. He got us into no new wars. He made relatively decent judicial appointments.

Because I'm not an out-of-touch partisan hack like John, I see this. And I'd bet dollars to donuts the Teamsters are on the same page as me. Playing the Jesus card is John's thing.

His timeline is full of it. He thinks it's a clever gotcha because he can beat you upside the head with his selectively-edited version of the gospels to prove there's 'no Christian case' for voting for Trump. Meanwhile, his logic -- and I use that term loosely -- boils down to 'Jesus didn't say anything about gay marriage or abortion' so those things are okay.

It's just Republicans He had a problem with.' It's also really convenient all the things Jesus did or did not mention happen to align perfectly with John's political ideology, isn't it? Good thing I didn’t say that. Can you cite one actual teaching of Christ that the MAGA movement fight for? Chapter and verse? Just one? If you can’t, you’ve kind of proven the point and I thank you.

John clearly went to the Dan Brown School of Theology. I checked my Bible and Jesus didn't say anything about AR-15s, either. But somehow I wager that argument wouldn't fly.

If you think the conversation ended there, I regret to inform you it did not. Instead, it continued to devolve into even more bizarre territory including John asking me where Barack Obama was born: Where was Barack Obama born, my Catholic friend? Liars and racists have a very hard time answering this very simple question. Do you? You can narrow it down to the country.

Since you hate lies and all. There's a very simple answer to this question (although John might want to speak to Hillary Clinton and Obama's publisher about where Barack was born), but as Obama was completely irrelevant to the conversation, I rejected the entire premise of the argument and it drove John insane . Which led John -- who really doesn't like liars or racists, mind you -- to call me a liar and a racist, and then accuse me of hating him.


kay? I never said that, and I absolutely don't hate him. I find his political views hypocritical and abhorrent, and his style of debate absolutely laughable. So, Amy has spent the evening wiping the floor with @JohnFugelsang Highly entertaining. No, it seriously was. I spent a significant amount of time absolutely cackling at my timeline, which was full not only of John's increasingly off-topic lines of questioning and his weird little followers but also my followers.

Many of whom dragged all of them in hilarious fashion. I honestly wonder if they realize all of their arguments make it seem like they're clamoring for a theocracy. After all, they're demanding Christian theological purity in a political candidate and his voters, so it's a safe assumption.

I have said, here and elsewhere, that the voting booth is not a church. It's a brothel. And playing the Jesus card doesn't work, as John learned the hard way last night.
