PNG Power Limited has announced that business houses and residents experiencing power outage in Jiwaka and partial outage in Mt. Hagen is due to transmission line (L514) fault. Mt Hagen (Dobel Feeders) is partly restored, hence generating power supply using fuel and simultaneously carrying out load shedding while waiting for the transmission team to rectify the fault.
In a statement released by PPL acting chief executive office Ivan Pekaea, he stated that the date of fault is (Wednesday) March 12, 2025. PPL has identified the fault caused by a tree fell onto the HV line between Towers 139 and 140 at Guo, causing the HV conductor on the B phase to snap off and on the ground. Accessibility to the fault site was denied by disgruntled landowners.
Transmission Highlands team will prepare for mutual agreement prior to the fault rectification and restoration while the Land team will negotiate with the Landowners and restoration. Affected Areas: Restoration Time frame: Unknown at this time. “We kindly request customers with standby generators or alternate power sources to utilise them during this time until power is restored”.
PNG Power Limited sincerely apologises for the inconvenience caused and appreciate your patience and understanding..